What would You do when you can't have someone you want? Would you lift a finger and whisk it like a wand wishing everything would fall in place the way you'd want it to in a tick of the clock , or, would you struggle with your brain between finding a solution and living inside your head, dreaming of perfection?
I would get up, trek to a forest with my trusty machete and hack away at the thickest bushes I could find. I'd hack away, hack away, and ignore the sag from my arms, the stress on my back, the sweat pouring down my face like water off a cliff, the unsteady footing caused by wet mud and unsteady, unsure legs.
I would keep hacking until I reach the end of my arduous quest, where I would come upon a clearing-- A clearing with an aisle made of rose petals that lead into the center, surrounded by white chairs and sunflowers. And Someone would be there, in a white dress and veil, waiting for me.