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May 2015
Narcissism - extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.

So, it means someone who's focused on themselves?
Not even caring about those around them?
Reading the information from the books on the shelves,
so does that mean, our relationship was to be condemned?
Apparently to you, it was already broken from the beginning.

I poured everything out to you,
my past scars and secrets...
And then out of the blue,
you unveil a weakness.
A weakness that you knew was an illness.

Three days was all it took,
for you to already destroy my heart once more.
You promised you wouldn't, you crook.
But you thought I was a bore,
because you would crave change.

At first I thought, your narcissism was cute...
I didn't see a problem at all.
You were as sweet as fruit,
but then I realized they were empty words,
and I began to bawl.

You have taught me something,
and that is to never trust a narcissist.
Because in the end it was for nothing,
for they are artists.
Able to persuade you into believing something is real.

When in reality, you were just a target for them.
So I went out with a freshman who told me he was a narcissist.. And I mean it was cute-- but when I asked him the one question I ask every guy I date "Are you sure you want to be with me" because I knew I was a handful. And then he told me the one thing that I was afraid of, "I'm not sure" And well, here's a poem dedicated to that guy.
   ---, SPT and Rapunzoll
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