The old fishing boat shiny, worn yet proud Had many an old fish bone scraped across its deck Heard stories that would make your hair curl and had seen weather at its worst but what the heck. Had seen all the fish available from all the seas nothing would surprise this old girl anymore. Had the strength to carry on whatever the gale Grin and bear it or go as you have gone before. Its engine, had seen some time in its old life struggling through seas as high as waves could get Through ice as thick as an island so as to speak and the new fishing boats wince if they get wet. They would not last five seconds in conditions like my fishermen have served thought the boat Well if it could think that is what it would think They look delicate and I dare say they would float. But now the old fishing boat was being admired stroked lovingly by tourists with cameras and tales. Ice cream accidentally smeared on the deck With its worn polished look and ragged sails. But it was proud, and so it should be For the fish it has fed folk, fishermen it had sailed But now it had a place in tourist's heart, the town It was admired, photographed and now emailed. A buyer with plenty of money and hope in his heart had bargained and won his bid. It was now his dream to sail the boat with children on board and parents sightseeing on board complete with a holiday team Dressed in navy and white striped with straw hat No fishing lines, nets, poles just an orange float. With a sign that indicated the price of the trip A retirement, a nice little trip for the fishing boat.