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May 2015

I want you to know
I will always love you
When you are happy
When you are blue

When you are sleeping
When you are not
When it is winter
When it is hot

Out on a picnic
Sitting inside
Swinging on swings
Sliding on slides

If it is raining
If you are wet
I will always love you
That you can bet

If in a sailboat
Or in a car
For a short distance
For very far

Up in an airplane
The miles you flew
Where ever you are
I will always love you

If you are singing
Just care to talk
When you are running
Out for a walk

If you are busy
A project that’s new
Or just relaxing
I will always love you

If you are eating
Preparing to cook
Taking a nap
Reading a book

Watching a movie
Out at the store
Up in the mountains
Down at the shore

When you are dancing
If you are done
If you are tired
Of all this fun

And if you don’t
Or if you do
Forever and ever
I will always love you
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