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May 2015
O' should sorrows engulf the unseen shore,
Lays the corpse of man for when hearts torn,
By the thought of what-once-was but is no more,
And the unspoken vows to which we sworn.
Now in sleepless nights shall awake we lie,
'Pon sheltered roofs and barricaded hearts,
Awaits yet another loveless day drifting by,
When undoubtedly hath we made our parts*.
For a period of time for which hearts grow fond,
As simple Strangers evolve to Life’s greatest fruit,
To which the heliocentrism of man lived by the bond,
Of the love-seeking Maple and its dearest root.
But alas, ends our story with inevitable parts,
When in tales lie but two truthful endings here,
Shall either in blissful vows or shattered hearts,
For what-once Strangers shall again we bear.  
O’ for what-once bliss by the Star’s Endearment,
Yet unfortunately by concluding Fates declined.
For forever will I cherish the simple joyous moments,
Of a time when our paths unexpectedly aligned.
A poem on the remembrance of a loving time at which our paths aligned, inspired partially by the Youtube film "Strangers, again" *refers to partings.
Jay M Wong
Written by
Jay M Wong
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