In the shadow of Everest people are dying Crushed in a chaos embirthed from beneath, Emerged as destructor of temple and Taos, Emerged as an innocent killer... bequeathed. History crumbles as heavens roar mightily Ghorka is dead in an avalanche of rock, Beggars and potentates crushed in the brickfall Dharahara’s fall leaves men gaping in shock. Shuddering mountains in avalanche of free fall Wails of the stricken as quaking defiles, Gold topped pagodas and statue of ancients, Sculpture of lions now a rubble in piles. Khathmandu in the clasp of calamity Nightmarish forces arisen from deep, Grasping the earth in their grip of profanity Monstrously tearing the bedrock from sleep. A techtonic ****** of Asia by India Nepal’s Himalayas ****** to the sky, Inconsequential, this plight of humanity Nature proceeds as poor Nepalese die.**