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Apr 2015
The broken are so beautifully
Strange and distorted
Mirroring the mistakes
Our societies makes
The risks we take
And failing
Little monsters make
Swollen bellies bloated with pride
They walk upon the ashes of the broken

Sweat and dirt
Earth pushing deeply into our fingers
Till it hurts
Till the nails drop blood
Like they were seeding the mud
And those ticks
**** it up
Snuck up
To **** up
Our lives

But the broken
Bare their pain
Take their shame
Like pharmaceutical products
In the morning and before bed
Before the doctors bled
Their children

Oh god
The golden gone
Father forsworn
To wear the thorn
Which you broke your children with

The slave owners whip
The stings
As mothers screamed
While children
Ran deep into the dark forests

We broken are the children
Of the Natives Americans
The African
The Chinese and Japanese
Our skin was not Jaundiced
We were not black
But earthly brown
Not red but slightly tanned
Our cultural heritage
As the starving
Lay dying

While the morally bankrupt
Keep thriving

We are broken
Spine curved
Tired and wretched
Scared of the cops
And the injustice system
That we live in
But still beautiful

We are pink brown
And every other color
That paints this town

They are the sociopaths
The monsters
As moral crusaders
Written by
Graff1980  43/M/Springfield Illinois
(43/M/Springfield Illinois)   
     Graff1980 and ---
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