i looked to the moon but all I could see, all I could see was the light in your eyes and the set of your jaw as your hands cupped the flame and you inhaled, eagerly, your lungs working, your blood pumping, the beauty of you alive next to me, and me, alive next to you.
i am all awe and happy and humbled
a shock of dark hair fell across your forehead and i didn’t notice the bricks against my back or the chill of the dark and when i look in the mirror i can see myself again and on nights like these i want to pull you into the fog and run and when i look at you now i feel something becoming
i want your kindness, your gentle hands the soft of your words the passion in your movements, carrying you to the sea, toward God, across continents, and hopefully closer to me
i can see so much in you the things i cannot see in myself, that you swear you see in me... there’s an echo in my heart when i hear the sound of your voice everything accelerates when i hear you whistling down the hall
it’s a movement, a feeling, a dance between patience and expectancy my spirit called for help and you spoke to me he told me my spirit was dying and you found me in the mess of my life and now
the miracle of breath and life and love the miracle of becoming i am young and tired and fearful but hopeful and humbled and healing and there is so much left in life and so much left in me and so much left in you
and i know that the future will come and carry us away and there may come a time when our eyes no longer meet, a time when our voices and laughter no longer overlap but i hope you understand that for me this is true, i have never met someone before that i am so clearly meant to love and adore it runs through my veins and my heart and my mind and although you will never know, i can only hope that you remember what you have done for me and how suddenly one day i looked at you and realized you are the sun between the trees and the smell of the ocean you are kindness and wisdom and something i never expected to find
and i know i know i know we are all working toward something, we are all heaving through the mess of ourselves as though since birth we are born fighting but sometimes we have the chance to live in the beauty of the moment every breath is a transformation every dawn is a possibility and for the rest of my life i will probably be alive with the thought of you