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Jan 2016
Let me quote you, so there is no confusion:
"**** me, **** me,"
"leave your mess for someone else to deal with."
You made the mess though and you added the anger.
You did, both of those things completely belong to you.
You don't know it, but I'm in the next room writing this, trying not to cry.
You shout, smash, and swear. I just write.
I wonder why you think it is we don't talk...
Our lack of common interest, my short temper, your short temper, my fear of you, my shame of not being good enough...
Found in drafts, from April 14, 2015.
I remember writing this...
Written by
WickedHope  26/F/Not Boston, Almost Hell
(26/F/Not Boston, Almost Hell)   
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