Inside every artists's head is a ****** A dose of genius with a dash of madness But before we get trapped in a Wonderland of horrors We must destroy the throne erected in ourselves
The artist should rest in reason Like gazing peacefully at a meadow The artist should move in passion Like a lightning storm where heavy winds blow
Artists should always be observant, like the nocturnal owl Who absorbs daylight like the sun is its opposite lover Moon will guide you to creation, like winged wisdom hunts its foul (Even if you feel that night provides no cover)
Artists should smell of the earth In all its sweet fragrances and pungent odors There are some people in this world who won't judge you They are the mountains, hills, plains and oceans
Inside every artists's heart is a labyrinth A dash of true nature and a dose of reality No wonder some of us create art in the dark (True artists don't seek fame; they yearn to be free)