Secrets we all have them and denying that fact is stupid no matter how close you are with someone there’s still something you haven’t said and will probably never admit to and if you have great but likeliness is whoever knows is sworn to secrecy and nobody else knows in fact you’d probably **** to keep it safe destroy those who shouldn’t know and bury the ashes see the thing about secrets is that it’s the most precious part of who we are it’s the thing that made us who we are and continually molds us even now because you see our secrets are the very monsters we created that lurk within us at all times it’s the rawest form of our very essence and too much of ourselves to simply give away it’s that selfish, greedy part of our souls that claw at our insides and whisper as sweetly and darkly as shadows and honey driving us insane and unbearably reckless never caring what it is that soothes the burn just that it’s dulled but the thing is the weight of it comes crashing back down on you and forces you to your knees holding you captive with it’s icy fingertips and brands itself on you with burning eyes paving the way for guilt and fear becoming the new guiding light and north star of your moral compass let me tell you nothing good comes from this compass it doesn’t lead you to paradise nor does it lead you into the silent escape you long for hell it’s job is to claw it’s way through your soul bursting free from the prison of your body and dance to beat of your slow destruction
3-31-15 A tad morbid? I have no clue as to where this came from.