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Apr 2015

neath the cauldron of the past
i gave away my only heart,
to mine i pressed her body close,
our heat cooled only by the earth.
many years have come and gone
they’ve added to our dance of prose,
do not think that i've not wondered
if i gave this heart too soon...

do not think this mind didn't stray,
but with my heart no longer mine to give
it wasn't mine to give away.
yes, some called me a fool too young;
they are right and this is true,
i am just a fool, still in love with you!

i have known the warmth of tender lips,
i still love the sway of your dancing hips
without a doubt some lines we stumble,
words best unsaid instead we fumble;
yet still I offer you this hand,
join me as on still plays the band,
just you and i lets add more lines,
more stanzas to our dance of prose.

do not think this mind didn't stray,
but with my heart no longer mine to give
it wasn't mine to give away.
yes, some called me a fool too young;
they are right and this is true,
i am just a fool, still choosing love with you!


*post script.

for my darling wife of thirty-five plus years.Β Β this i know, i've chosen well.

i believe our very first kiss was just beneath the rim of an ancient volcano... just the beginning of fireworks and heat!
SE Reimer
Written by
SE Reimer  Pacific NW
(Pacific NW)   
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