boom boom boom and It's glowing technicolor grid lines and points of pulsating rainbowdots tracing silhouettes of wriggling bodies intertwined with the cursive signature of rhythm boom boom boom
and then it's cold air and briskly-shivering-bliss-bodies huddled in giggling masses amassing intentions of warmth
I blink and step over a threshold into a cute-house-cute-house but β
it looks oddly outlined, too angular, out of place... but it may just be that my thoughts are curved and blurry after a night of bouncing around to electronically generated sound particles pulsating from amplifiers that engulf my body in a bubbling-sonic-ball-pit jumping up and down in sync to nearly-bone-shattering-bass leaving every fiber of my being little jelly fish going with the flow
It seems strange to be back amidst the throes of right angles and forced aesthetics engineered with only efficiency and capital in mind.
A cute-boy-cute-boy with long, dark, wavy hair offers me a blue-pill-blue-pill 'time to chill', he says
He looks a bit like me and his hair is highlighted with electricity and he's me he's me I see
Baby blue pop **** powder blue chalk. Spit it out halfway chewed let it roll into my pocket safe for later suffrin'-suckage
Now I've gone, over and I'm out now and there's a blackout in my mind now black
My eyes slowly slide open to a succubus staring into my soul ******* its contents from my pupils... and it holds me there, smiling until I am nothing but a dried cantaloupe skin sitting in the safety of my room...
I blink and I am up and moving, leaving the room into a hallway of endless doors leading to other endless hallways of other endless doors and a shadowy figure, quite familiar, swiftly steps into one as I step out. Gone. Was it really there? I step through another doorway and in the corner of my eye I see the shadow return to the hall. I step back and it steps forward and I step forward and it steps back.
I step-step through the threshold and I'm back in the city.
There's six or seven others with me and they all look quite familiar, they all look quite a bit like me.
and we're all going we're all going somewhere but I can't seem to figure out what to bring
and I'm emptying my pockets but my pockets are universes endlessly expanding and before I know it, my life sits pretty in a pile before me
I leave it all and I leave... I'm gone, over and out now I'm on the street getting into my car to go go go and I'm driving and I have no idea where I'm going or what the hell I'm doing.
I'm lost now and I wonder, how am I going to be found?
Stop, park. There's a bus! They've always got somewhere to go... I climb aboard and it's completely-empty-dead-of-night.
The driver hands me a beautifully bound book of poetry and it reads quite a bit like mine does.
Turns out we're on a trolley and we're ascending the sides of buildings and we're going up, up and up into bright stars suspended in a deep blue sky fading to green...
WAIT!!! We need to stop! I need to get off! I need to be somewhere else!
The trolley descends and we stop at the dead street. Right angle buildings line the sides of the parallel lines.
I get out and the driver gets out with me and all of a sudden we're dancing in the road!
LOOK! The stars! They are pulsating in connected constellations sparkling and
LOOK!! LISTEN!! You can hear them glowing in sync with the breath of the universe!
We bask in their glory and I recognize the driver as a childhood friend.
SID!? Siddhartha?!
I blink and on another corner someway somehow some ways away there are six to seven people looking quite a bit like I do and they're standing and waiting for me. They're all waiting for me, but I've forgotten everything... at the cute house.
One splits and now I'm three! and it's me and me and Katiie and we're going back to the cute house cute house but there's all these walls we gotta crawl under and squeeze between and walls we have to climb over and hoops we gotta jump through!
and it's crawl under smooosh! face-squeeze-jump-walk and I JUMP! - to the top of a building and walk walk and leap! down-and-walk-walk-jump bounce-bounce up-the-wall reaching fingertips-cling-pull up-and-over and on-the-roof, walk-walk, jump-fall and land-crawl under another wall and squeeeeeeeze!
"At least all their blinds are shut," says Katiie, chuckling.