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Mar 2015
If this Winter lingers just a little longer and the nights are drawn in tight about my shoulders, will you hold me just a little closer, take the candle and with flames of passion,
fashion me a blanket and snuggle under to see the winter disappear, and if the Summer wakes us with a nudge and winks a light into my eye,
will you be shy,
shall we wander down the avenue, just me and you and several hundred pigeons looking for a place to eat, breakfast and the heat of toast upon our lips,
If this Winter seems too long, will this song we sing bring unto us the joys of Summer?
on the bus?
the city dwells and in all seasons, well it would,
wouldn't it?
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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