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Mar 2015
You are the enrapturing, encapturing, sunset I wish I couldn't remember,
the warming, warning, spring rays I wish never freckled my shoulders,
the beaming, beating, summer heat I wish hadn't seeped red on my entirety.

You are the shunning, stunning, sunrise I wish I couldn't see,
the scarred, sacred, autumn sun I wish didn't make me stronger,
the blight, light, winter sun I wish stayed hidden behind grey clouds.

My dear, you are the most bewitching chapter of my life,
the tear-soaked pillows and the bar-coded mascara face:
another heartbreak ready for the card-catalog among masses.
I reached out for help recently to make an effort to "get over" a certain person. I was told to write my story, go figure, so these next few days/weeks will either be filled with poems or absence as I open a wound to let it heal properly. Thank you for your support/understanding <3 Love you all <3
Carsyn Smith
Written by
Carsyn Smith  PA, USA
(PA, USA)   
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