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Mar 2015
There people who suffer in Silence
At least dont hurt them
BE Kind
Have compassion
There people who suffer and
Xperience a deep pain
be kind
You Have NO ******* Idea what's going on inside them
At least have respect
And if not gotta remind you
That the moment you Don't respect others freedom n'pain
You instantly violate yours and the Universal laws.
Be Kind
Empathy is the new eternal Gold
Compassion takes courage
Be Brave enough to walk in to Others shoes
And if you cant at least Go Away
You Have NO Idea what's going on No no no.
Apathy is a sin
Be Kind with your soul and Others
Be Clear with your motives
This Universe is a Mirror reflection..
Be Kind And Kick some ***** along the way
For those who don't Honor the Beauty and The Wilderness in your Guts and Glory.
Be Kind.
You Know Nothing
At Least
Be Kind
In this fragile and priceless eternity
here now
A wind is blowing and taking Away all the Dust
I ll take care Of You
Take Good Care
In Mutual respect Flowers Blossom
seeds dealing with dirt to emerge the beauty they carry within
No LOVE can flourish if theres no Honesty and Deep Compassion
Radical Change in The Air
The Air of Compassion..
Marisia Delafuga
Written by
Marisia Delafuga  Universe
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