you aren't who i thought you were and maybe that's what hurts the most. vous êtes un ami de merde (it means you're a ****** friend in French) and i want you to know that and so what if someday you're famous so what if you dance because in the end? who's going to be there..? not the girl you gossiped with between classes, not the boy you flirted with and are dating for the next week.. please tell me what happens when your bones grow too old to dance? who will be there to love you when your body doesn't move like it use too? who's going to care?
So dear ****** friend, I want you to know one thing instead of sticking around and just letting you hurt me again I'm moving on and if we meet again excuse my French but please remember
mal être mieux la prochaine fois autour de.
(I'll be better the next time around)
My words are tough and French is the language of love