At 16 I met a Man who owned A sailing Craft a 24 foot Yawl A Polished Captains Wheel to Steer Two Main sails a Jib and two Fore Sails He had an Affair with a girl 18..... And I was the Beard
He taught me to sail the craft, Follow the wind with the Tell Tale Fair Taught, you Kept the sail Follow the wind till the End, Swing the sail boom, to tack back again
He always bought Hot Peppered Crab And a 12 pack of National Beer Once he took it out the Middle River He would take her below for whispers With me at the wheel, I sailed the Bay My Love of the Boat and he for her, Were both, Same in a way
The Ship she was my lover And to him I was his Cover For a 30 Year old Husband And an 18 Year old Girl Sailing in the Summer Sun I watched the sails a Furl
Taught with wind, she veered to Lee Sailing till waves rolled up from the Sea And that's when she Picked up Speed I would tighten up the boom line.
The only sounds flap of the Sails And The creak of the Rope Beneath the Moon so Pale On a Warm Summers night sail
A summer I'll Never Forget And the Tragedy of her Death As she Drove for home her car crashed Her hopes for her life Dashed And that I lost my friend I regret....
taken from a 1970 trip to Spring Green Maryland she was my closest friend that summer