On an orange field blessed by sunset shards of broken glass lay on the ground in the autumnal grass wind gently passes by and soft as a swan’s feather she dances around. Sunlight drops on her eyes of sky her pearly smile shines more than stars and she looks to me, her eyes do not lie for she is the purest jewel I will ever see in my live. Like water, that gust of wind she splits it with her fingertips and a red breath-nourishing rose she holds between her lips. Music is a woman full of love that loves carelessly until it hurts; Her laughter will caress your skin like that glass caresses that orange field. In her, like in a true love I see a reflection of freedom, reflection of all mine; She is the bird to bring joy and peace, the one to say “shush” and tell that it is fine. Wherever may I roam, with her, that place I can call home.