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Feb 2015
So I hear you need a rebel-- or maybe
someone to just hear you out. I like your profile,
your bio, the blurbs you write about your life--
but tell me more about you.

How do you break down your personality
01101101 01100101
into 140 characters or less?

May I suggest we meet face-to-face? Video chat
tomorrow at 5:00, sure, but that's not
what I meant.

I don't want the pixels, the lag, the type face, the webcam-filtered,
LED monitor dating profile.
I want the flesh,
the bone, unedited-- the words before they're deleted
and perfected to the point where you finally feel
comfortable enough to hit

But you can't "put yourself out there" if you don't get out.

I want you beyond the screen, disconnected from the Internet
connections and matchmaking engines, filling up the tank
and searching for yourself.

I want you, bumbling and goofy, your foot nervously
tapping as we make awkward eye contact, gazing
not into machines and technology but into
pure, unadulterated life.
I haven't written in a long time, but here's something that found its way onto a piece of paper while I worked in an empty stockroom. Very much a first draft.
Amanda Miller
Written by
Amanda Miller  Pennsylvania
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