So I hear you need a rebel-- or maybe someone to just hear you out. I like your profile, your bio, the blurbs you write about your life-- but tell me more about you.
How do you break down your personality 01101101 01100101 into 140 characters or less?
May I suggest we meet face-to-face? Video chat tomorrow at 5:00, sure, but that's not what I meant.
I don't want the pixels, the lag, the type face, the webcam-filtered, LED monitor dating profile. I want the flesh, the bone, unedited-- the words before they're deleted and perfected to the point where you finally feel comfortable enough to hit Enter.
But you can't "put yourself out there" if you don't get out.
I want you beyond the screen, disconnected from the Internet connections and matchmaking engines, filling up the tank and searching for yourself.
I want you, bumbling and goofy, your foot nervously tapping as we make awkward eye contact, gazing not into machines and technology but into pure, unadulterated life.
I haven't written in a long time, but here's something that found its way onto a piece of paper while I worked in an empty stockroom. Very much a first draft.