Don't think for a second That just because you're Kind Sweet Thoughtful That I'll open up to you quickly.
My heart has been sealed Protected by Locks Chains Fortresses Layers upon layers.
Whether you want to be friend or lover You must understand I prefer books to people; They are less likely to let you down. You'll have to gain my trust over and over again; I've been hurt too many times. If I let you in, take what I give you; Not everyone gets past my walls.
Don't assume you know me Just because I opened up I have given all of me To very few people. Most only have a part or two.
As much as you may make me laugh Or as much fun as we may have I'm still Cautious Wary Tentative About letting you get too close.
Just because I don't talk to you Every second of every day, means I need Time to myself Peace and quiet To sort my thoughts As I recharge from spending time with people.