Inherit the truth whatever it may be For though men **** in the name that is he It will never **** that is he for if he that is exists Then the history of man's rise with clinched fists Is irrelevant to he that is because he that is lives In the believing heart that is and only gives No matter the province of Caesar holding his grudge On earth not in heaven where he that is may judge Against those who reject instead of accept The truth that was written by men who wept But not in sorrow but instead with joy For the truth as revealed was not a fire to destroy But a fire burning within from breathing air whole Instead of mother water for he was a fisher of souls Yet you nibble at the lure of world ******* A tragic trail of human evil swallowing mountains Peace, fishes and loaves children, animals and truth Skin different than your own things taught to our youth Until questions of conscience from the mouths who suffer Swallowing instead swords than injure another Judging only themselves knowing that to live right No matter time passing is well pleased in his sight For what treasury of satisfaction can be measured once Or eternal like the stars under which a mariner hunts For his own nature and image before his God And why his fears of creation stain the holy sod Yet the word lays before you pure as new The sum of what God has placed inside his shoe You see his strength of belief hidden inside his fear As are yours of differences forever far and near Yet what is the still night and the quiet moon Is it not the honor of worship reserved for high noon Along with the mid of night for it is he of the life he gave And only you who obeys the soul that he would save For in this life whether he is risen in books or by the spirit It is not yours to bring death upon the path you did not inherit