A wanted & desired presence. A warm soft baby hand. Big baby eyes. Chubby cheeks with a personality so meek. A precious soul to complete your life whole. Babyfood in a bowl. Let's go to the park with others. So if we are together or not people won't wonder. Impatience is driven. Of how you visualize living. Creating your own vision. Happiness, peace, & love you envision. An existence chosen. An occupation worked & you got paid. To finance a home we stayed. A tax return brings opportunity of independence. So living with "mommy" is no longer a dependence. My own things is what dollars bring. An oven, a stove, a refrigerator, a bed/futon, a closet, a toilet, a tub, a faucet, a sink, blinds, & a carpet. All things that aren't broken & work. My own food, toaster, pots, pans, cups, & plates. I want to stay inside. Sit here, write, watch DVDs & hide. To the paper with my pen my feellings confide. A bigger online world opens wide. The internet cultivates while hope waits.