Have you ever stopped to wonder Where pocket lint comes from Is it mass produced, does it just run loose Or is it grown on a pocket lint farm
And are there tiny little farmers With tiny little hoes Who's time is spent planting pocket seed lint In tiny little rows
Is that why so many pockets Are lined in cloth of white For the best in growing conditions Letting in the perfect amount of light
But then you have to wonder What the farmers do for rain And if your always wet in the front of your pants What would people have to say
And why go through all the trouble Since apparently it has no use Unless we hire tiny little tailors In the making of pocket lint Leisure Suits
And if we do I'd like mine in baby blue To wear at all the Bar Mitzvahs, Proms, and Wakes I'm sure that once it catches on It'll be the latest craze
There really must be some sort of purpose In pocket lints grand design Don't you ever wonder where it comes from I myself think about it all the time
Pocket Lint? 40 days on a Spiritual journey and THIS is what you come up with?! I suppose next your going to tell me you have a poem on an Eskimo moving South and buying a Pecan farm! Well now that you mention it....