Please Goddess of the Golden Spark I'm lost and have no idea where to start Please Goddess of the Golden Spark This is why I pray to you
The coffee is ice cold My father is getting old The walls are growing mold And my beer is warm and going flat
I'm suffering from a headache I feel so out of place Self-conscious of my pace But I feel I should ignore all that
Yes Goddess of the Golden Spark My light for when it's dark Yes Goddess of the Golden Spark My maxim that always gets me through
Light up your torch and lead the way Forget tomorrow and live for today Disregard what the peanut galleries say For they're incapable of understandingΒ Β what you're doing
Do anything and everything, be inspired Work until you perspire And reach your deep desires A task you won't retire even if you've reach your goal
No Goddess of the Golden Spark The Coyote howls it doesn't bark I won't neglect, I'll do my part Opportunities endless, mistakes I know there will be a few
So yes, I know the world is infinite The sun will shine and the moon will rise That yesterday is gone and tomorrow has yet to exist Then we are to discover the unknown
Oh Goddess of the Golden Spark May today be marked Oh Goddess of the Golden Spark Though these times may seem stark I now embark of my travels A crusade to find land and sea of new