What will it be like? What will you be like When all of you at once rests? Will it be a relief? Will it be sudden or gradual and will you know? Will you know that breath for the one to bring you into harmony with the Vibrating earth? The one that will become the breeze and take you with it. Will it be peaceful? Or will it make you shudder and your knuckles turn white? Will that breath burn And will you try to hold it? Or will you embrace the value of what you've done? The people you've loved and the warmth you've given. Will you wish for one more? Or will you offer it all willingly? Out of contentment or resentment? Will you think of yourself? Or of someone you'd give your breath to? Will it feel like falling? Will it stab at every nerve in your body and will you let it show? Will it be easy? Scary? Clear? Will it be how you lived? What will it be like? What will you be like?