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Jan 2015
Skin on fire
Eyes ablaze
Sparks igniting
scarlet in the night.

Sins melted in lava
The light hurts
when you've been lost
in the dark

widen your gaze
and find your path.
This choatic menace
is just another dire fervor.

ethereal flames
inundating your soul

Ignite! oh ignite!
From the smokey abyss I will rise.
Tranquility found at the surface
where the sun enlightens the blinded
Destinies renewed
Hearts imbued by the warmth of the Golden light
shimmering above

tickling on your skin,
blazing in your heart.

See it glow,
for it is passionate,
it is undying.

It is Inferno.
My first collab ever with the amazing, Jamie King! I would like to genuinely thank him,Β Β Check him out, he's the best!
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