Brothers and sisters Arm in arm In grace With faith And agape love Marched towards hate And the steel of repression
No door to heaven is easily opened Sometimes the only choice is to die Not quickly But slowly and painfully
The arc of justice bends under the weight of human sacrifice
They thought "This is it for me" Yes this was it But it was time Time for the signs to come down The signs that said "You here" "You there" "Not for you" "Sit in the back"
Separate but equal A lie of monstrous proportion There is no equality When all is not shared There is no equality When a night stick crushes inalienable rights There is no equality When a child is called a __ There is no equality When the love of Jesus Is not enough for some people When the love of Jesus Is not enough for some hearts When the love of Jesus Is not enough for grace on earth
Let me take a moment
To cry
To feel the shame
Let us take a moment
And understand why some among us remember Selma A memory of pride and pain A memory of the willingness to die For what is right To give up their life To give up their complaints To give up their selfishness To give up what we take for granted So that they might die For someone else Because it was time
I wrote this a few years ago... thought I'd dust it off....