A piece of meat, looked over and over by the many judging passers by The female species has been seen as nothing more than a rack of red meat Displayed for all on the shelf of a butcher's store Categorized by grade A *** or chop liver Seen only as a price and short lived experience of eating it, only to toss the scraps to the dogs. Viewed as an object of satisfaction An instrument of pleasure How cold for them to dismiss the heart To ignore the soul To yearn for the sin of gluttony And still feel hunger for something more Emptiness and a void no choice cut could ever fill Yet the primal urge wins Instinct and hormones combine and the result is grotesque Turning a radiant, amazing, complex woman into a raw, cold, frozen piece of flesh to be consumed Ravaged and torn apart by the serrated teeth of man Shred into nothingness Her dignity drowned as she is washed down, bite by bite.