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Jan 2015
I was astound astronaut
Buckled up in cockpit
Of rocket ready for blast
It was zeroed down
Moments were intense
I was tense
My heart lost its art
No way…..
It was zero and blast
I was taken aback, soon
It took off to alarming heights
Jolted my heart and soul
Soon dauntless vehicle
Zoomed into sky above
The bow of blue blown above
I was flabbergasted
I was in the midst of stars
On and all around
I heaved a sigh, well neigh,
My ship was nearing
An alien planet to align
I was speeding up
Swerving my way in hilly tracks
On mysterious land and only land
Of curves, curls, colors n’ collars
I was running short of breath
The rocking rocket made its retreat
At its predestined time  
And put me back into my soul
No sooner I woke up from spell
Realized, I was not in suit
But in sweat
At Epcot in Disney Land!
Written by
Bhupathi Prabhakara Rao  India
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