Point out mistakes But never celebrate your achievements is a mistake. Miss things we use to do when it was tapes and innocence. Running in the ditch though it was filthy it was fun and great. Still I couldn't shake what I made to be unshakable. 7 years old ******* **** but I didn't know! I swear I didn't know what I was doing my nieghbor was just to old.. Now I'm too old.. Thinking bout things that's to old. But I wonder what I can do new to get this conscience removed. Jesus Christ was the only thing that was identical. But I read now God I always pray now Even though my adversary likes to stay down, But he is way down Sorry bobby this is why hated when I stayed now Dame why did I stay now.. Knew that this would haunt me. I ghost now hoping for my soul and there counting on me to fail wow. Still wake up every morning just to bow my head and thank him for this life and these days cause life is a achievement andΒ Β I will celebrate what God has for me Rather then mistakes I made. In both I'll give him praise.