Last night the memory of you visited me As I was chasing sleep I'm not going to lie I almost cried Not sure why You've been gone for awhile now I'm sorry I didn't visit you as you laid in that hospital bed Fight sickness in a coma Your stronger then me Doctors said you can hear Just can't speak or respond So it would've be useless right? Like throwing a rock in a dried up pond I'm sorry I we didnt stop by once in awhile like we did when we were kids The visits stop **** I don't know why But I remember when we did come around You always cracked jokes Guess I'm not the only clown You made us laugh like you always do **** tears are coming just at the thought of you You couldn't walk So we never heard your feet You got around in that wheel chair like a pro I remember playing foot ball on your ps2 And now that you gone I don't have much to say But I remember that funeral like it was yesterday Sitting there as everyone shared there stories of you An I'm ashamed I didn't have one to say But the pastor said we should celebrate your going away So these memories of you you are happy But it was my job to carry you away And I feel honored I was picked But you were heavy that first lift Body empty as you were towed An as we carried you to that truck Thought my job was over I had enough And as we got to that grave site I thought **** not again Had my suit jacket off an everything I'm such a **** But let me make it clear it's not you I didn't want to lift The sun was unforgiving that day Shooting rays at my face And as we pick you up once more You were much lighter You must have given me extra strength Or the others just organized better And as we laid you over your grave site The man in charge said a everlasting prayer And I would recite it if I could remember He gave us flower petals to lay over your grave And I kept one in my wallet for a rainy day Your memory will never fade Never die And I can't wait till I see you again Some day in the sky I don't know when but I know it's only a matter of time Love you uncle bunny Forever your memory in my mind