Speak not child, hold your tongue. This is often how my nights begun. The injuries? Well, they varied. Depending on what had transpired. A sprained wrist? A broken arm? A bruised lung?
Fight back? I sure as hell did try. But sooner or later my body would succumb. That night my pain receptors and nerve endings must have shut down. I then felt nothing; numb.
At first it felt like a Godsend. I thought foolishly, that everything would stop. That from that moment on I would not have to pretend. But alas it is yet to come to an end. My emotional wounds still have not been able to mend.
Oh I am so desperately alone. I want more than anything else in the whole wide world for my pain, anguish and confusion to be known. I am so very tired. I greatly doubt that I will be able to continue this fight on my own.
I cannot take another second. None. I must run.
And take my final leap. Landing in a heap. At last I can peacefully sleep