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Jan 2015
the truth is right in front of their face
they choose to look the other way
an illusion is what their mind is based
they don't want to see the thunder storms of May

the mother doesn't want to face reality
though its right in front of her
the father doesn't want it to be
they both let their heads blur

but their daughter will soon be dead
following in her older brother's steps
the 17 year old crack head
their footsteps silently crept

down the stairs
or out the window
claiming they need fresh air
they're really smoking *** though

everyone just turns away
shielding themselves from the truth
but what happened to their son Jay
and where is their daughter Ruth

both have disappeared
the mother and father burst out in tears
forced to face what they secretly always feared
having no right to cry since they were never really here

so what happened to Jay
and 15 year old Ruth
both had a price to pay
since their parents chose not to see the truth
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