You stopped responding at my second jesus **** joke, but I didn't care, and I was the one at work. Aces. Even vacation is stressful for you, although I'll admit my humor isn't great, but amongst friends I'm hysterical.
I only have about a handful, and they're all ******* weird as me except for a couple or several.
I'm not a big fan of most people I root for, I'm terribly sarcastic, and if I love you I might want you to fall on your ******* nose. It's a fifty-fifty split, or seventy to thirty. I'm a ravenous cannibal when I put words down to something tangible.
I'm also late to work or early, and all my friends get my friends jobs right before we leave or get fired or get too poor to stay where we are. It's a horribly satisfying way to live but a ******* way to want to die.
I'm a coward and a liar with great hygiene, I liken myself akin to the noble cockroach,
because I'm a nuclear survivor! And the post-apocalypse started right after Hiroshima, and now they watch or **** everyone, and people police people. If you can't afford the rent stay with strangers or starve to death on the streets while middle class lunatics watch you evaporate "rationally" as bystanders in a new world war.