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Dec 2014
My brother walked in saw I was crying said

It's okay sister X-mas is only 4 hours away. Merry Christmas!

So I punched him the stomach and said

Get off me you little brat!! You don't ******* care and it's not a Merry ******* Christmas!!

He just sat and stared at me and said

Santa will make it better I promise

I just looked at him and said

Santa doesn't exist... Now get out

He got up started crying and left my room.

I slammed the door shut locked it and grabbed my knife,
Then I looked on my dresser and saw what he left me:

I know things have been hard and I've been really mean and said some really mean things to you. I'm sorry *****, I love you very much.
Just please don't cut anymore I don't want you to cut too deep and die.
I would die if I never got to see you again.
I love you with all my heart, Merry Christmas!
Love, Layne.

I put my knife down and went to find him, but he was already in bed.
I feel so bad!! My 11 year old brother was trying to make me feel better and I pushed him away. I think I broke my Brother.
Crushing Love
Written by
Crushing Love  In my head, It's safe
(In my head, It's safe)   
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