and the snow on his roof had become grey yet he did have a raging fire down below which had need of expression so say
within him dwelt a bull's roaring billow age ne'er deterred his **** from libidinal tone yet he did have a raging fire down below
of a female's enchantments he'd ever bone though he twas not in a younger man's shirt age ne'er deterred his **** from libidinal tone
as he mellowed there twas still grist in his dirt unto a lady he'd be willing to impart it though he twas not in a younger man's shirt
a rod of advancing years can e'er be lit the juices of sexuality flow in a stream unto a lady he'd be willing to impart it
e'en as the dusk sun loses its flaming beam the juices of sexuality flow in a stream and the snow on his roof had become grey which had need of expression so say