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Amy Jan 2021
I feel like the room is shaking, I feel dizzy.. I feel like there’s snakes on my arms.. I feel sleepy, is there an earthquake? I can’t walk, I can’t think, I can’t stay awake. Last night when I went to sleep.. I dreamt of someone that I fell in love with.... and I remember his face but when I woke up I forgot how he looked like. I kept thinking of him.. in my dream.. we were on the bus we were listening to a song, with one of the ear pod in my ear and the other in his. I can’t remember the song..
Amy Jan 2021
You know how guys are,

They will make you feel loved and promise to protect you no matter what happens.

And when you’ve fallen in love, and your ready to give the world to them

They’ll just leave you.
That prince will just leave you.

Yet again, the princess is back to just hoping.

You know what..

All those fairytales that we used to believe in?

They weren’t real after all...

Prince Charming turns out to be..( someone )

Amy Jan 2021
When a good thing goes bad it’s not the end of the world
It’s just the end of the world that you had with one boy
And he is  the reason it happened, but he is overreacting
And it’s all because he doesn’t want things to change
So cry if you need to.
Something I heard from a movie ;)
Amy Jan 2021
“Good morning”
  “How was your day today”  
   “What did you eat?”  
    “Your beautiful”
     “I want to hug you”
      “I want to kiss you”
       “I want to travel the world with you”
        “I miss you”
         “Let’s FaceTime”
           “I like you”
            “You mean the world to me”
             “I love you”

              ... “I love you more” I said

               “I will love you forever” he said
             “I won’t leave you” he said
          “If anything happens just know I love you” he said

               “Goodnight, and sweet dreams” he said

“Let’s figure this out”  
“I’m sorry”  
“I don’t want you in my life”
“I hate you”
“Bye” he said
“I love you” he said

And we never talk to each other again
I need help writing poems lol any advice?? I feel like it’s annoying using the word “ He said” a lot after each dialogue so I left it blank without he said
Amy Nov 2020
She looked out the window,
And heard the wind rattling the doors like snare drums,
The trees moved along the sidewalk and fell,
Windows shattered everywhere like a broken heart, plants being squished by the heavy tree. Hurting them.
Amy Oct 2020
The clouds, the color of the sky and the color of the sun or moon and stars to me looks beautiful. The sky can be blue, purple, pink, red and orange , the clouds can be scattered around the sky. The sky to me is as beautiful as loving someone. But when it is dark, rainy and cloudy it’s as if the sky is broken, but you can still see the beauty in it.
Amy Oct 2020
~My heart belongs to you~
My heart belongs to you
Sorry not you
But My controller.

I sit down playing my game for hours, and hours, and hours.
With my red eyes, I keep playing prolonged.
My fingers are tired, my head is tired and my eyes are tired.
But I never stop.
I stop until I’ve reached my goal…., until I reach my desires.
I guess you can say that I am the type to keep going until I reach my goals in life.
And that’s a good thing.
And When I am done, I fall completely asleep with my arms holding on to my precious controller, all happy.

~Amy <3
This poem was made for my brother cause of how much he is addicted to video games

— The End —