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 Dec 2013 Piper
matt bates
 Dec 2013 Piper
matt bates

your fingers;
so delicate
and fragile;
cool to the touch
as i allow
my fingertips
to trail down
the surface
of your smooth skin;
almost like porcelain
to the touch,
you calmed me,
just being in the same vicinity as you
made me suddenly feel
overcome with a sense
of serenity,
of peace
and because of this,
i couldn't get enough of you;
i had never in my life
seen anything i regarded
as remotely close to
as beautiful as you were,
causing me to place you
on the highest of pedestals,
an insurmountable target
with which i used
to compare
every other person;
and none of them did;
the way
you complemented a room
made me have to compliment you
for i have not once
come across something
so pure,
an untainted piece of art
that i fear
will leave my life
sooner than i'd like,
by a stroke
of awful luck,
you'd been dropped
many a time
by undeserving people
that didn't recognize
the priceless masterpiece
they once had
to call their own,
leaving you
to pick up the shattered pieces of yourself
and put them all back together
and while there are scars,
permanent indents and grooves
endlessly reminiscing previous pain,
i am not deterred in my quest
to show the whole world
what a magnificent specimen you are.
and because of this,
i vow to cradle you,
to protect you,
and to love you;
and i'll hope, every week,
that you like the flowers
i got for you to hold
(they glimmer well
with the hint of your eyes)
when the light
from the early morning sun
illuminates every corner
of those daisies,
and more importantly,
the beautiful vaselike angel
caressing them
as if she's the only thing
keeping them from
the rest of the world;
the parts of reality
that don't notice,
that don't realize
the significance
and the simple beauty
inside of both of them;
which is why, darling
i understand
with your broken past
you fear falling apart
but i promise
to keep you safe
after all,
you're my work of heart.
 Nov 2013 Piper
Joe Satkowski
drunk sitting shotgun
you're behind the wheel

don't let me disrupt your steering
don't give me control of the wheel

don't bring it back

and i promise i won't make you steer us into the oncoming lane
so i can end it
 Nov 2013 Piper
Emily Helbig
They storm in with purpose and flee without significance
Red is swallowed by white only then for green to creep through the cracks
They go forth like this, uninterrupted
The victories of March are suppressed by June
On and on they move like cattle unknowingly to their fate and I, like a sheep, cling to some shepherd who leads me only to another
A map that flips with no destination
Rushing with no time to lose in a circle
caught in a warped track leading nowhere
Like parts of a clock that nearly assemble yet fail to tick
Like seconds that add up to never make an hour
A continuous stream of days that never make a year
No conclusion, No end, No gain
 Nov 2013 Piper
Micheal Wolf
 Nov 2013 Piper
Micheal Wolf
Walking on ice
Well slipping more like
Trying to balance
Waiting to fall
Knees all bent
*** on the floor
Brace for collision
Try to control
Bad decisions
Haven't we all
Falling on ice
More or less
A fools errand
Bruised like the rest
 Nov 2013 Piper
 Nov 2013 Piper
I wish I were a cigarette
Perched in-between your perfect arched lips
Breathe me into you
I'll swirl in smoke tendrils around your face
And then I'll happily fade away
Until you light up another later
Being your bad habit isn't so bad
If that's what I am to you,
I'll take it
Amara Pendergraft 2013
 Oct 2013 Piper
Weed Bag
 Oct 2013 Piper
He opens his Star Wars: A New Hope lunch box
Inside a hippies dream.
**** in baggies that have the superman symbol
And Batman symbol on them
Tabs of LSD
And molly.
Hunter S. Thompson would have a field day

©Gambit '13

— The End —