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 Mar 2013 jad
Melissa Blair
 Mar 2013 jad
Melissa Blair
She held the world in the palm of her hand
There was no pain that she couldn't withstand
But she soon wiltered to the voice of command
No longer a pyramid but just one grain of sand

She was a pearl of beauty and grace
All of life's lessons etched into her face
But to his touch, she'd shiver and brace
No longer smiling, she knew her place

She once was strong, she once held power
Where radiance shone down in abundant showers
But he ignored her until her soul he'd devour
Leaving her heart in the corner, she'd cower

She grew stronger with time until she could stand
Picking her heart up, she soon took command
She left him in awe at her final demand
To stay in her life, though not how they'd planned

Now this pearl has no home, no heart to share
She'll search the sea for an oyster who'll care
While building back up her pymarid lair
So she can once again soar where eagles dare
 Mar 2013 jad
First & last
 Mar 2013 jad
She was beautiful,
But not in the beautiful ways you like to think so
She did not have hair that dripped gold
Her eyes were not the colours of the cold sea
But her smile was crooked and bent
Her lips were chapped and thin
She did not have a gentle laugh
Nor did she speak humble thoughts
But she was beautiful
In the way the shore kisses my feet
In the way the moon hides itself in the curtain of darkness
She was beautiful
In the way wind dances with hair
In the way shy lovers hold hands
She was beautiful in the way of morning air
And black coffee
And the love poems that live in each broken heart
Spilling red oil into blue lungs,
Suffocating happiness right out of its shell
And she was beautiful
Because she refused to taste sadness
Even though it was the only thing she had left to eat.
I traveled this life once in search of my treasure
For anything easy which could give me pleasure
My choices were many
A buck or a penny
They all wanted something
My life or my money
Their eyes were all jaded
In faces soon faded
Though now I remember
In early September
The voice in the crowd
The warning out loud
A wizened old crone
Yells: “You’ll be alone.”
The message was wasted, I just could not hear
The din of the music left no room for fear.

I traveled this life then in beauty surrounded
In places where sunshine and nature abounded
The feeling of wonder
Undimmed by the thunder
And flashes of lightning
From clouds to down under
I ran through the rain
Ignoring all pain
My youth was my own
Now soaked to the bone
As if in a play
With nothing to say
The words of a bird
Which I never heard
The colors were muted I felt quite insane
Now heedless and breathless I missed the refrain.

I traveled this life then to see many places
The dull and the dreary with beautiful faces
But if you would dare
To sample the fare
You heeded the warning
To always beware
Of laughter familiar
And manner peculiar
The one who would sleep
Was not yours to keep
Just keep moving on
The show is now gone
No Jack, Jill, or Joan
Once more you’re alone
The bed sheets were wrinkled, and no four-leafed clover—
As aimless I wondered “How could it be over?”

I wandered through life, Pacific, Atlantic
The message I missed oblivious and frantic
I paid no attention
Eschewed all convention
While others still blaming
With dark condescension
Within me the flame
Was seeking to blame
A cadre of gents
With dollars and cents
Whose zero sum game
Of fortune and fame
Had thwarted my laughter
From now ever-after
In vain had I hoped to hear on the phone
The answer I sought while living alone.

I anchored a lifetime in hopes for a cause
And fearlessly battled for years without pause
Great rallies attended
At times apprehended
Thought nothing of giving
The cause I defended
I sought to inspire
Uncover the liar
The world never heeded
What I knew it needed
And yet, to the end
I learned not to bend
So true in my quest
Rejecting the rest
I battled with others till they fell away
As each found a reason why they couldn’t stay.

I traveled a life where my friendships I’d borrow
As happiness faded I turned now to sorrow
But in a reflection
A dream of perfection
Once more I was smiling
Now steeped in affection
The treasure I found
Through reason unbound
Defying all logic
The secret was magick
How could I have known
Why I was alone
Still trying to reach
The star from the beach?
My love bore a flower so radiant and free
It unchained all the hearts who had sought it in me.

J. Sandy
 Mar 2013 jad
Longest Dream
 Mar 2013 jad
Standing in the crowd of friends but alone,
Feelings were there but spirit was gone,
It was a dull night but that face was more than bright,
I tried hard to escape but something was destined to happen,
Could feel the flux beneath my skin,
It was dragging me towards that figure that was the kingpin,
She was cool and calm like a moon,
Those extra bright eyes were no less than a boon,
Her smile was divine,
Standing by the harbor I felt her breath,
That’s when I realized she was mine,
My ecstasy was at the peak when I went to sleep,
Today ended the year what they call a leap.

Walking down the park and crushing that white snow,
I felt it was not the world I was living on,
It was where I could feel my heart and I was not alone,
Her words were promising,
And that was the reason my fear was gone,
My barren heart had dreams now,
And with few more promises they all were grown,

I felt, worst part was that I kept my alarm on,
I woke up and she was gone,
I realized, best part was that I had my alarm on,
It was a dream that I lived,
Now I am awake and busy but somewhere this dream is still on,
They say it was a dream for me and fling for her,
I don’t want to blame her as it was my choice,
I don’t want to hate Birlan,
Just assume it was my longest dream,
Everything I earned is gone,
But somewhere this dream is still on.
The first look the first blow
you never expect it you never know

The look in your eyes the grip of your hands
The pain of the blast, the falls and the lands

In a room on my own but feeling so trapped
Holding my knees all warm and wrapped

So many thoughts running round my head
So many nights laying awake in bed

No one to tell no one to share
Frightened of finding no one is there

The feeling of freedom so far away
Praying for happiness every second of the day

Never prepared for what he might do
When you see the angels guiding you through

The panic and shock of coming around
Echoes of voices, noises are drowned

The hardest decision is walking away
Being alone, the heartache each day

But nothing can beat the feeling of breaking free
Looking forward to good times and just being me ;)

Lindsey Clayton
 Feb 2013 jad
Keith Parsons
 Feb 2013 jad
Keith Parsons
Can't focus
Can't cope
Thoughts blow your mind
A gun blows mine
 Feb 2013 jad
The door is now open
But are you ready to step out?
To take on life on your own
Define yourself
Realize your presence, Exist!!

You've been following their rules
Climbing the ladder one step at a time
The society's way, you know
You're born
You'll die
In between you earn
Money, fame and the need to succeed

Wow, I wish I was like you
I wish I could follow rules
Live to your expectation
Be 'Successful'

But I choose to step out the door
Embrace the sun, breathe in the air
End this pretentious living you call life
and exist instead of survive
Unlike you and your society
Just myself: a disappointment.

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