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 Feb 2013 jad
a poem about fate
 Feb 2013 jad
3,000 miles between us
but fate stepped in and
i am in a cab, flying towards china town
and you are running down Broadway
in the opposite direction.
i told the cabbie to stop, but they insisted
we kept moving.
you were right there, so close
we could have touched.
of all the days to be in the city,
we chose the same one
and missed our opportunity
to kiss each other on the mouth
but if it really was fate,
i will see you again
and we will kiss and touch and laugh
and fall in love.
 Feb 2013 jad
I knew you were trouble when you walked in
now i'm lying on the cold har....

....wait....oh. ****.
 Feb 2013 jad
Re Mares
 Feb 2013 jad
Re Mares
I was a fool to
Have believed the light I saw
Was the one to save me, the one
To lead me out from this darkness
But I've come to realize, they
Are only lights passing by,
NONE are looking for me, they never were
I sit on this cold surface, in this dark room
With only my tears to keep me warm but
Even they become cold and turn against me.
I am dying a slow death, trapped
In this dungeon of loneliness on the verge of despair
Waiting and fading
I wait for that one light to find me and say,
"There you are, where have you been all of my life?"
But until then, I close my eyes and pretend, until
I fade away as the fool I am.
 Feb 2013 jad
Renoka McCracken
Great God of Mine,
How is it that the planets faithfully revolve around Your solar star
How is that the acorn mystically re-fashions itself into the majestic tree
How is it that the monarch finds the flyways and air currents to its winter home

Great God of Mine,
Why is it that babies are being born to immature children who can’t rear them
Why is it that a father takes out his anger on his wife and offspring
Why is it that man is incapable of living peacefully with his neighbor

Great God of Mine,
How is it that Rahab was chosen to facilitate an enemy’s victory over her Jericho
How is that the Samaritan woman at the well claimed Jesus’s living water
How is it that Simon of Cyrene forcefully bore the cross to Golgotha behind Jesus

Great God of Mine,
Why is it that mothers can end the lives of their little ones
Why is it that drug-users and perverts are destroying safe homes
Why is it that political leaders make selfish decisions that harm their constituents

Great God of Mine,
How is it that you created man for relationship knowing his inability to sustain it
How is it that you eternally love mankind in the face of his constant rejection
How is it that you sacrificed your innocent Son to save a sinful people

Great God of Mine,
Why is it that the twelve apostles included a traitor
Why is it that the “rock of the church” denied your Son three times
Why is it that an apostle who walked with Jesus could doubt his authenticity

Great God of Mine,
How is it that You knew me before time began
How is it that You saved me with my not deserving it
How is it that You love me; You LOVE…ME!
 Feb 2013 jad
Have you ever!

Have you ever lived my life?
Spent one minute in my shoes?
If you havent then tell me why you judge me as you do?

Have you ever woken up in the morning wondering if this was your last
day on earth?
Have you ever left your house unsure if you'd return?
Have you ever wonder if it was your turn to die?

Have you ever sat beneath the stars hoping god will hear?
Have you ever seen your friend drive away saying their goodbyes?
Have you ever covered up guilt by doing a good deed?

Have you ever lived my life?
Spent one minute in my shoes?
If you havent then tell me why you judge me as you do?
 Feb 2013 jad
Holly Zangara
 Feb 2013 jad
Holly Zangara
my heart ached as i cried for you, for all the memories we shared, for the secrets that we whispered, for the bumps in the road that we got over, for the late night talks, for the awkward silences, for the secret glances, for the time that we spent together. but now, you're gone.
 Feb 2013 jad
shin kaname
I wish Its for me
Your smile, your laughs
I wish its for me
Your future plans

I wish I am her
To comfort you
I wish I am her
To be with you

I wish its me
Your love, your life
I wish its me
So you won't cry

Kshin (C)2012
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