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 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I remember when we
Almost kissed.
When we
Almost shared the
Same breath.

I noticed that
What happened
Could have gone
A lot of ways.
We could've fell in
We could've stopped
Being friends.
We could have gone on with
Life normally.

I hate that I
Missed the chance of
Feeling your
On mine.
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I miss you Dad.
I guess I'm lucky;
At least I have a
But do I?
You send me money,
Expecting that
It's all I need.
But when I check the mail,
I don't want to see
I want to see
I am not an object
I am not a body
good for nothing
I am not a mannequin
defined by some different facade
to aid the next animal of a boy's
for what
not the latter thats for sure
hungry for nothing but a good time
well excuse me when I don't jump to your call
on the drop of a dime
don't stand there and tell me I'm better than the rest
Or that this time's different
you haven't change
don't take me for deranged
I know how it works
tell me I'm something special
with your words
though your eyes scream
just adequate
Don't stand there and tell me I'm special
Somedays the hurt gets me
it attacks everyone at some point
well tonight it's got me
wrapped its arms tight
around my body
I can't take it anymore
I am more than a body
in fact
I have a soul
I am a soul
A soul
that comes at with the toll
of a body
An unflattering vessel to something
More a flight of thoughts than an actual poem.
Her smile holds just a little too much hurt sometimes
And if you look long enough you'll be surprised as to what you can find
years of hurt and pain in hiding
tear ducts over used for crying
too much lying
She's finally done fighting
Her story is already written
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
Oh Ashley,
You care so dearly for me.
What's so improtant about
Why should you care if
Blood pours out of me?
Why should you care if
My dad doesn't visit me?
Why should you care if
I **** myself?

Living is alot to ask for and
I'm sick of asking.
You pay alot of debts and
Fall in and out of love
Who wants that?
That feeling of a constant downward

that never ends?
Who wants to feel so

I'm scared of death sometimes.
But I'm not afraid to wish for it.

My thoughts at night are
I see different ways to end my life and
I actually almost did.
At least in my dreams,
Not in real life.

I hate falling and
I'm afraid of heights.

Why isn't the people I love
Willing to catch me?
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
My Laugh
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I laughed today.
Like a genuine laugh
Like a real laugh.
It was so wonderful,
I was actually sort of happy.
Thank you for that,
It was nice.
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I have two ways I could
Ask you out:
We could be sitting under a sheet
With all the lights turned out
On my bed (or yours)
And we could be laughing and then
I'd kiss you.
We'd look at each other after and then
I'd smile and say,
"Will you be mine?"
We'd about to be leaving for
Our first travel trip.
We'll be eighteen and
You'll be packing up upstairs.
I'll pull in with my car and
Pull out chalk from the backseat.
I'll sit on the ground and draw some
Words so that when you come outside
You can see them.
It'll say, "Will you be mine?" And
Have two boxes under it.
One will say yes and the other will say no.

Hopefully you won't even have to check a box because
You'll be in my arms
And be mine already.
Just two cute ways to ask someone out and I really love these ideas!
 May 2013 Peyton Smith
I wish to see your
Face again,
That eyes that
Make me flutter.
I wish to see your
Face again,
And this time not
Say words that stutter.
Singular and alone,
Where the darkness around it permits no life.
One with no face,
One with no race
One which has no merits,
No footsteps in the sands
For this one to be traced.

Silent and still,
A broken piece within
A broken whole.
Eyeless sockets look for a slice of pi,
But there is no three to be found from two,
For this is a place of one's.

Unable to be rescued from the darkness,
No voice to be heard of encouragement.
No life to be seen but the present
Confusion and doubt control the future.
A foundation built strong beneath the whole
Crumbles from beneath the weight of the black,
Darkness encompasses this single atom amidst the light of around him.

At the whim of no one but himself
He continues to dwell in the darkness,
Dancing to the melody of his own
Self composed song.
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