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 Feb 2013 Peyton Smith
 Feb 2013 Peyton Smith
A simple "Hello"
"How ya doin'?"
a gesture of recognition.

A tap on the shoulder.
An enthusiastic handshake,
a hug.

You wouldn't believe how much it means to me.
How much it's needed.
Just to get through my day
I don't mean to sound conceded.

It's just that rush of energy
I get when I feel included.
when someone says my name.
It gets my spirits going.
I know my day wont be the same.
Why do you want me to hurt
Tell me what made you so cold to me?
Will you blame me forever for the past couple years or
can you remember when you followed me around like a puppy? ?
Is it possible for you to ever forgive me and move on?

The distance you put between us is like mountains.
Don't you understand I'm the only mother you are ever going to have?
Give me a moment of your precious teeanage time and I might surprise you.
I'd rather stab my own heart out and feed it to my enemies than cause you any more discomfort.

I guess all the love in my heart is invisible to you now.
I'm not sure why I still try to see you time after time
You break my heart with your father's feelings and words.
Can't you remember who I really am? What can I do to show you how much I love you?

At the end of your life, you will have made some mistakes.
Will they be as painful as mine seem to have affected you?
Will it even be intentional?  I doubt it.
But I hope your own child never discards you like an old toy....
that gets thrown out with the trash and is never thought of again.

I keep telling myself that I deserve this....

I keep telling myself if I keep trying, you will come around..

I never thought that I would ever have to protect my heart from my own son.

I was stupid and inconsiderate of the possibility my actions would scar your huge heart.

I just don't know how much more pain I can handle in my 38 yrs of life.
Many things, I have brought on myself, I am aware & responsible.
But so many things that were done in anger and hatred have scarred me.
Please don't leave another scar where it can be mended still....

My only request is that you just open your heart and your eyes a sliver.
For me to show you how much I still love you and you love me...
On a Valentines Day, my only wish is that you would show me any kind of feeling, even anger.
But you speak to me when spoken to and refuse to listen to my pleas.
I guess that's what your dad wanted.  He got you to believe his words of hatred of me.

Happy Valentines Day.   I love you.
Your scent still lingers on its fabric
Sometimes I wish I didn’t have it
Memories form a lump in my throat
My heart starts racing like an eighth note
Makes my insides float
as I reach for a life boat
to pull me to shore, to reality
To let me know your gone
Wish I had something to lean on
But all I have is this sweatshirt
that fits me like a full skirt
but I don’t mind
it helps me rewind
and remember that you died for me
for mom, for dad, and for your country
This sweatshirt helps me cope
it gives me hope
That you are in a better place
somewhere in outer space
It makes me feel close to you
it helps me work through
the loss and sadness
the shame and madness
and I know I’ll see you soon
so have a good afternoon
and I’ll keep your sweatshirt with me
so you can reach me wherever I’ll be
Two teenagers, unknown to each
Each wishing on a star
She, for eternal love
Him, a brand new car
They never knew their paths would cross
And their wishes they would get
She found her love, and him...a car
Don't leave...there's more here yet....

College years and future dreams
Still to come, with who?
Two teenagers growing up alone
I know what's you?
He bought his car with money earned
From working hard at night
While she still waited for her love
Do you think they'll meet.....they might!!

When you wish upon a star
Remember which you picked
For now, you may get what you want
But, in the tricked

Their paths did cross while he was out
He saw her walking in the rain
He couldn't stop to help her out
But he had to get her name
He did his run and went on back
Hoping she was still en route
She was soaked right through as he drove up
So, a dry ride home was moot

He took her home and she dried off
He sat waiting with a drink
She got all changed and then came out
He was not sure what to think
A t-shirt and her housecoat
Was all that she had on
She was sending him a message
He thought it time that he was gone

When you wish upon a star
Remember which you picked
For now, you may get what you want
But, in the tricked

They dated from that night until
They decided they should wed
They were both near graduation
And they knew where they should head
They married and had children
They were perfect in every way
Imagine all this from a star
You wouldn't get all this today

As time went by, like it always does
They realized that their dreams
Were not the one's they used to share
They were ripping at the seams
The kids were always fighting
And I guess, they were too
Her dream of finding eternal love
I guess, had fallen through

When you wish upon a star
Remember which you picked
For now, you may get what you want
But, in the tricked

They now slept in separate bedrooms
The kids were out and off to school
No matter what the weather
The house was always cool
They never spent a moment
Together anymore
The only ***, was a quick "*******"
As they passed on through the door

His car was dead and buried
With their marriage close behind
She'd wished upon a shooting star
And didn't like what she did find
Your dreams are what you make them
A star has a shelf life...don't forget
Before you wish upon one
Beware of what you'll get

When you wish upon a star
Remember which you picked
For now, you may get what you want
But, in the tricked
Yesterday I sat on your porch,
and drew pink chalk hearts around
your doormat.  You asked me if I
wanted sweet tea and I said yes,
though all I really wanted was your
lips against my ear.  Whispering how
much you missed the smell of
my perfume on your pillow.

And sometimes I take snapshot of my
face when I cry. I mail them to you
in a grey envelope and on the back of every
one I write down confessions about
what animals I'd run over in the
road that day, and how they all made
the same loud thump under my wheels,
no matter how hard I pushed on the gas
pedal, or how much I turned up the stereo.

Occasionally you bring the pictures
back to me, telling me everything you
know about radio waves, road ****, and how
they relate to the tread on my tires.  You tell
me things I won't ever need to know, but
will never be able to forget no matter
how many times I try to burn the memories
of you from my frontal lobe.

I guess that's another reason why I love you.
Because no one's ever told me how
they make the colors in my favorite
fourth of July fireworks.
Seriously though, I am so blank when it comes to a title.

 Feb 2013 Peyton Smith
Should I allow myself
to be flushed down,
deep into the abyss of your misery?
I once went for a stroll in the
garden of faces, all smiling at me;
it was there that I picked you,
removed the ingrown thorns,
& in my hands you bloomed.
Is it fair that I expect such a blossom
to last that many years
with all its healthy petals?
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