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 Nov 2022 Peter Praise
 Nov 2022 Peter Praise
Aremo my Love
The thought that fills my smile
Fairest of the good bachelors
that exist in the land
Though many young virgins
waited long to see your face
but end up being deceived
Out of lust, the virgins
of the Land had thrown away
The fort you committed to us
Many defiled out of their
Impatience and convetiousness
Make haste my beloved
I look patiently
Looking intently for your coming my Love
Though my heart weakens
And it doesn't look easy
Yet I'll find it easy
Out of my passion for you I'll wait
My lover I'll stay in there
Else I'll be defiled
With my foes vain speeches
Waiting and looking forward to your coming
For I know it's near
Constant mockery rocks my mind
Friends and foes firing at me
Till I see your glorious face
Shine its light into my darkened
and tired eyes
Till your hand touches me
I'll stay till day break
Till the shadows find no expression
Around me
Until I feel the blessedness of
the weight of your presence
Tables beautifully set
The hour to walk
Graciously to the banqueting house
with my lover draws near
For I know the voice  of my lover
It is sweet and sounds good to the ear
I will choose to deafen my ear
to the voice of deceit
Many waters cannot quench it
The fire of love burning deep inside of me
They sit at my doorpost
Liars and defilers
Thinking I'll be drunk
Drunk with the wine
which will carelessly pushed me
out of the chambers
I'll rather be drunk
excessively drunk with your love
The Prince of persia and his aides
Stalk me with vain words
but the sound of your coming
Keeps my heart at perfect peace
My beloved, the sacrifices of your love
I'll overcome
Your love for me is enough
to keep me waiting

Hey HP
certainly feels like I'm lost here
all i put down seems not with a flare
no one sees and wish me fair
im in to drop when....
 Sep 2016 Peter Praise
Priya Devi
You never close doors behind you,

You mind is a watch
A compass
Awash with
beauty and dread
You haunt me in the day
And wear my skin in the night
And flood me
With lust

And you leave me
 Sep 2016 Peter Praise
Priya Devi

Can you say you love me

When you know

I have no reason to live

Other than you.
 Sep 2016 Peter Praise
 Sep 2016 Peter Praise
Joy fills the dept of our heart
The captain of our foe
now captures with our hands
Just as he stumbled
through the darkness he built
with his hands
fear of light
grips his darkened heart
Weak in strength
bows his head to the dust of the ground
powerless in his loneliness
Authority his mouth desire to command
but falls to command defeat and shame
War cease as our soul
finds endless peace
The corner of our street is filled
with the walk of freedom

Years spent in this great citadel
Lessons learnt & time depleted
Out into the real world I go
The Lords grace with me till I'm old
A father who i owe my all,
too soon he lost his only ally
A sister, who took up the mantle
too soon she learnt to be a mother
A brother to soothe & calm the father,
too soon he became a man
Thank You all for the inspiration,
and being my driving force.
The story began one night in the dark
when most curious minds were asleep.
Sitting silently, only fingers tapping the keys,

“You tempted me like an empty page,” he wrote,
longing for a response of immediacy
that would fill his mind with more words,
the only thing he took comfort in.

She stepped aside from the voices
at her gathering to read his message.
“Emptiness,” she wrote back, “lives in the mind,
the habit of looking for what’s lost.

There is no zero in nature.
Let me tempt you with fullness instead.
Come and see what I see, and share what is there.”

As she sent the message, she swallowed deeply
knowing that what she offered was not quite a lie
but more of an unfulfilled desire.

“I can give you what I never had,” she thought.
Her mind wandered, filling
with all the ways that only emptiness can.

He wasn’t sure what she was offering him.
Whatever it was, he longed for it.
Her words flooded him with a feeling he couldn’t name.
Love? Desire?  Intoxication? Yes.

As the sun rose, he took no notice of fatigue, thirst, hunger.
He forgot the empty days,
the time spent looking in the mirror,
counting the lost years.
He began again to write.
A collaboration with my friend Candace Smith.
 Apr 2016 Peter Praise
Futility of Futilities
useless toils all ends
Fruitless gathering
Filling up water in a basket
Soldier go
another comes again
the barrack remains still
Won't the sea be filled up
despite the constant running of
the river into it
Eyes not yet satisfied
causing the hand
Into hard labour
What had been
will always be
So nothing comes
new under heaven
Quest for popularity
All ends a grasping
for the wind
Peculiar treasures of
royal hands are
consumed and turned
under earth
Effortless chase
Vain panting
after searching all seems
taking off the creator's hand

 Apr 2016 Peter Praise
Oh our high land
has carelessly been made
low by our own hands
Our gold are sold leaving
us sleeping in the cold

The comfort blanket is being
removed from our bodies
by the strangers we gave the
opportunity to spend the night in our abode

The ones we had called
in out of the cold had
Wickedly thrown us out in the cold
taking dominance on our gold

Lunacy makes way as brothers
stood against brothers
The hands that were dependent on
by the masses became independent

They fed their mouth to the
brim rather than feeding
the people

People are loosing weight
while their pockets are gaining
weight and strength
They cut off with their own hands
hands that place them in power...
I am drawn to two beautiful women
I know tis not good, far off a bad omen
I can't leave them both, i
Don't know how to live a lie
I guess tis better to be lone.
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