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Petal pie May 2014
Just wanted to thank you all, for  friendship, feedback, and all your inspiring poems that get me through each day. Life can be so busy and had plenty of stressful parenting moments in the past week, and finding a little time each day to read your works and correspond gives me such solace! I've got a little writers block at the mo as I'm a bit stressed but hope it passes!
Love and a thousand blessings
Petal x
  May 2014 Petal pie
swallomp, swallomp
HE the,  
smallsmiled, muckfrumper
swiped at his scnocklezogger

HE, must be comin down
with a squiffsquizzley...
he hoped not....

HE just HATED visiting the
Tristlings they POKED
cold, fizzfiginflers in awkward places,
like under your
and down your
and then, gives you,
two mattmuttertrogs,
to have instead of dinner
and says....
you should feel prankyfilck,
by coddleslidiggetty.

but in the meantime....
no more,
squiggl-ing, dibbl-ing,
pivbabl-ong or tonggypaffle.

HE, the smallsmiled, muckfrumper,
tapped his stotching,
three times,
spun on the toes of his
and wished for
luck and good health.
it was too good a stonkploffli
day to have a, mickering,

swomple, swomple,swomp...
gibberish inspired from and
taken in part from kudos and thanks. but for the most part i changed or developed the language
of the BFG.. one of Rhoald Dhals creation's.
I must admit I have not yet read the book... I just used the words i liked the sound of... attributing meanings arbitarily...
i wrote this as some bedtime fun for my boy tod...
but do hope you all enjoy as well.
i do believe i will call my version of the dialect
  May 2014 Petal pie
Ben Jones
My nose is out to get me
It’s giving me the fear
It sneaks about when I’m asleep
And whispers in my ear
But when my eyes are open
It’s clearly in my sight
I think I’ll have to stick it down
With Sellotape at night

My nose is pitched against me
When ever someone bakes
It drags me by my helpless face
And points me at the cakes
It leads me into trouble
And I’ve no choice but to follow
It has a lot of pulling power
Although it’s two-thirds hollow

My nose is trying to **** me
I think it’s lost the plot
It sometimes sits there dribbling
And twitching on the spot
It scowls at me with malice
And it’s evil nostrils flare
My nose is picking on me
And I'm slowly going spare
  May 2014 Petal pie
Jordan Resendes
Savour them: the small moments
That keep us interconnected. Weaving
Over and under, through fulvous flows  
Permanently digressing through life.
Let the colours change, and with them, so too do
I change, slowing and speeding,
Gas to break, to give and take. Crimson default,
Halting finally, for a few brief moments,
Tension grows, but the world seems at peace, until
Sudden flicker of green, and back we roll into the machine.
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