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In distant Boldmere, where dreams do dwell,
There reigns a sprite named Tinkerbell.
Not just a fairy, small and spry,
But mischief’s princess, soaring high.

Her wings agleam with dust so fine,
She flits and flies, a spark divine.
With twinkling eyes and laughter bright,
She weaves her tricks from day to night.

She’ll swap the pirates’ maps for fun,
And lead them on a frantic run.
She’ll tangle mermaids’ flowing hair,
And leave them floundering in despair.

The Lost Boys’ games she’ll twist and bend,
Just to watch their tempers end.
She’ll hide the things they need the most,
Then giggle from her secret post.

Yet, despite her impish play,
Her heart is pure, a guiding ray.
For her brother , she’ll always care,
A loyal friend through all they dare.

So here’s to Tink, the sprite so grand,
The Princess of Mischief in Neverland.
With every flutter, every spell,
Long live the reign of Tinkerbell!
In the quiet of my solitude, I craft castles from the fragments of my heart, knowing they will never shelter her. Each word I whisper into the void, each silent plea, is met with the echo of my own yearning.
Her laughter is the sun, vibrant and untouchable, while I am the night, longing for a dawn that will never come.

I gather the stars of my affection, weaving them into constellations that spell out her name, hoping she might look up and see. Yet, her gaze is fixed on distant horizons, places I cannot reach, people I cannot be.
My love is a river, flowing endlessly,
but her heart is a mountain, steadfast and unmoved by my ceaseless tide.

Every glance she spares me is a gift, a fleeting moment where I am bathed in her light. But as quickly as it comes, it fades, leaving me in shadows, clutching at the air where she once stood.
I am an artist, painting her presence in the colors of my dreams, but my canvas remains blank, for she is not mine to hold.

I can't make her love me, and this truth carves deep into the marrow of my being. My love is a quiet reverence, a solemn prayer that drifts into the expanse of what could never be. And so, I remain, a silent guardian of my unspoken affection, a poet of the unattainable, cherishing each moment she is near, even as she slips further away.

In this realm of unrequited love, I am both prisoner and poet, my heart a testament to the beauty of loving without return, an ode to the bittersweet dance of desire and despair.
Beneath the guise of neighborly smiles lies a cautionary tale, where trust becomes the currency of thievery.

Beware the neighbor's gentle words, for in her sweetness, she may pilfer the most precious treasure: your heart.

Like a cunning thief in the night, she’ll ****** it away, leaving behind an emptiness that echoes through the corridors of your soul.

So heed this warning, lest you fall victim to the allure of her charm, for in her embrace lies the danger of losing yourself to her whispered promises.
In the hush of twilight's embrace, she moves with a grace that captivates the very essence of allure.
Her eyes, pools of liquid midnight, draw you into a realm where time stands still, where every glance is a whispered promise of enchantment.

With each step, she weaves a symphony of seduction, her laughter a melody that dances upon the air, leaving hearts intoxicated with desire.
She is a tempest of beauty, a tempest that ignites flames of longing in every soul fortunate enough to cross her path.

In her presence, the world holds its breath, for she is more than just a woman; she is a goddess of sensuality, a muse of passion, an embodiment of timeless sexuality.
I swore & believed that I was over her until I yesterday when she cast her spell over me within moments of a conversation…
If I could write a song for her , it would be a serenade to the beauty found in the simple magic she  brings.
In the quiet corridors of my thoughts, a question echoes: Does she feel the symphony of emotions I compose for her?

Like a curious wanderer in the labyrinth of uncertainty, I wander the shadows of doubt, seeking clues in the music of her words and the brushstrokes of her actions.

Do my sentiments resonate in her heart as profoundly as hers do in mine? A silent inquiry lingers, weaving through the tapestry of our connection, waiting for the echoes of her response in the corridors of my introspection.
My love for you is a gentle stream that flows steadily,
a quiet force shaping the landscape of my heart.
It's in the simplicity of shared, secret smiles, the comfort of your presence,
and the countless moments where your existence colours my world with warmth and happiness.
This is a love letter that will never be sent 😭
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