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We can think of hundred reasons to quit
But if we don’t quit
Hold on
For no reason
Even if all logic and calculations give up on us
And when all left is naked desire
Reeling passion
An unstoppable urge to make dream reality
That’s when we are living to fullest
That’s how we grow
On a painful road of struggles
Long, scary, full of crossroads, and a lot of speed breakers
In the end
our destination?
Well, it’s just the road that we've traversed
This poem is very dear to me. It's conclusion of all the failures , struggles and rejections that I've faced in my life
I look around
I see happiness in my parent's eyes
I see excitement in my sibling's eyes
I see happiness mixed with envy in my friends
But I don't see you any more
No any claps, cheer ups and soothing words from you
Are you gone
Have I lost you
On the cost of having my dream
Out of the Shadows

Out of the shadows
Cast in the light
It seems to be
Only me

Out of the shadows
Cast in the light
For the world too see
I wonder why
You won't let me be me

I would rather be

In love with me
In secret
I never wanted to be

I'm not a poet you see
But in the shadows
I'm so alone

For the world to see
Humiliate me
A side glance there
In the shadows
It's just a fantasy

You only wrote
What the world wanted to see
Is it just fantasy
I'm not a poet you see
But in the shadows
I'm free to be me

Scared and shaking
It's so hard to write
It gives my pen such a fright

But out of the shadows
You said it's got to be
Because I'll show you
It's a fantasy
It's you, It's me
It'll never be we.
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