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372 · Mar 2015
PK Wakefield Mar 2015
the house is quiet the light is bedside
warm outside the sound is barely of
chimes (i can hear) i can feel the hot
coil of your leg snaring the almost not
groan of the big room is dusty with the
whisker of a cat shifts your hips (into
my hips) inching slumber deeply into
heat of closeness to body white and
shoulders cut curved of alabaster
grooving into the pale basin of your
chest at the base end of your neat neck
almost like talcum like light powder of
dusting the immense club of sleep is
your wrists are a tiny potion of
thousands of years of silence only to
live through 23 years a girl sleeping
enormously the room doesn't change
doesn't move barely a bit or budge
even more than slightly than a mote at
a time (4:00am) i kiss i cull i cup your
shoulders drinking the burning wine
of your heaped hips into mine
knowing someday you will be dead.
371 · Jul 2014
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
some girls taste like all girls taste like
every girl, differently, the same;

each smells the least exactly like the last,
smells swelling with a pinch of brine
between hot breaths of a Summer ocean;

and how good the ocean feels running
faster than curved orangeness of pinched
pinking hotness down your chin while it
rustles jook quivers and sighs heaping
one exquisite leap of its spine into each;

(let's say basically i've been a lot myself
on my knees at the edges of beds eating.)
371 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
never be impressed
371 · Sep 2014
PK Wakefield Sep 2014
what hot,
estimable lances
of adamantine night

pass drowsily

of exact turpitude
before my hands drunk

in comely seas
of neck clean
and wholly depraved

                 (the hanging of a boy wish
                   between sallow columns
                   of chaste eve;

                                            a caricature emerges:

                      that self of sometimes dreaming
                      nymphness.                                      )
370 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
something leafs (inforestsdarker
                   ) quietly of     nosnow
but even                                 paler
       with ...
moon light and              between
columns waxy with    beginning
night there accurately          i am
doused wonderful human arms
in youth gorgeous of health and
wishing playfully for hair body
naked                  giddy feminine
369 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
i feel some and the earth it seems does also sigh with the stroking of the cords. blissful countenance: for thee the sun will die.
367 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
& who o          sh                             slippery bunting breath
god softly numbed
                                  ardent sickly tongues
         a night ambrosia
all the world was nestled senseless meat
but higglywiggly the wind went slumping
                   dreaming brow
367 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
too burdened seal
this crimson juice
is just a bursting deluge
365 · Apr 2010
perfect ii
PK Wakefield Apr 2010

her lack of

made her so
364 · Nov 2012
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
heavy all the quiet laying music thickly between livingdying November

is suddenly stirred

at foot through many

running and laughing children

(wisps of growingfrailing stuff innumerably sheathed in a smalling pat of pale light)they

charge and roll up a hill by the school yard, boysandgirls together

boysandgirls together up going

                                                                     a hill

(whose mothers stand at the bottom and try to catch them when they fall
364 · Jul 2012
PK Wakefield Jul 2012
you look at nice at body baby not mind dear but you look like fast in lacey nothing baby you have eyes like you've seen ******* you but and baby i like might also to see in you me dear your straight short creaseless hips skinny broken are whole angels of nouns where i'd like to put a comma
363 · Apr 2012
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
like caught in your throat


burns fiercely struggling
to be loosed
to fly 'pon the collected
***** of night
and to(amongst fair
complected morning)
meekly at first


362 · Dec 2013
PK Wakefield Dec 2013
There's some sense of things, how do I say, I don't know--I feel it uniquely. As when I have been my self, alone in a car, watching streetlights wash over my hands. As when I a have been amongst the stark folds of almost winter nights. As when I have been pressed suddenly from unkissed, into, kissed.

And how do I describe it? Maybe I don't need to. Maybe you already know.

Who knows, perhaps.
362 · Dec 2011
like that just
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
.                                                l

                                                                          t keenly nick me baby
                                                                            with 'em sharp and lovelies
                                                                            black painted and sharpies
                                                                             t  oh!
362 · Mar 2014
PK Wakefield Mar 2014
you feel closetotheskin and

between the stiff dribble
of your thighs

some mint freshly biting
like balmy when Summer; nights

****** with droll pulling of
pale light Mischievously

which was like the stretching hard
camber of your spinemoutheyessweat r  e   l      e      a   s            ed
362 · Jun 2012
you know i know you i
PK Wakefield Jun 2012
you know i know you i
do dear
i've known you over
the front(groaning)seat

            bent baby

i know you
362 · Nov 2012
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
i have fallen through all beauty(till
eagerly met i this moment)

when shrugging elegant words
eased from the cream of colorless
pages a purely growing perfection

into my soul the inconcise mess
of edward's dumb fingers
and his most dead mind

the confusion of all instantly wondrous splendor
(and edward, did you suppose that caught as if by
filaments dying immortal threaded into woven
hanging letters the gush of when you rused up
the best hill driven by black wine that i would
laying amongst pale cotton come alive in you)?
362 · Aug 2010
PK Wakefield Aug 2010
there is only one and still there is only one. it beats and stutters and
there is only one and in the open breathing pasture of my palm infinite
and only one. it smiles it is. it is clever and warm and gentle or. it
is the only pulse strong pumping trembling tremendous heart blooming
staggering incredibly exploding scarlet. it's it is... the one. the only
one. it is mine
361 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
a fist broken
uncurls tightly
(and from in
there bursts
a whole heart
laid o
361 · Dec 2015
PK Wakefield Dec 2015
my mind again returns to these thoughts of mouth:
the parting of seaways; the excellent bridge
of its voice; the smothering intonation of
its warm and bossom cloister.

i remember it in the new morning; naked and shifting of limbs.
it kissed down the back and tasted
between its thighs of sighing and saltsea–cheek and blushing.

i remember and i move:
the winsome drove of its dull dream
catch and habituate me. i am alone in its fingers; and even from which other kisses cannot wake.

occasionally there is laughter–i can hear–from way off.

there is the curving tremble of its arc.
359 · May 2012
PK Wakefield May 2012
there was unfat, a face with a grin, that wears a body
like a man without hope next to the grocers yesterday
skin and bones, a face that wears a man like a body
without food, veins clearly and muscles also, from a
body with a face that wears a man without hope or

              but grins
359 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
"No one really wants to be in love. They don't really want someone to care about them and think about them. Most people prefer disinterest.

Make somone the focus of your attention and attend to their feelings and needs–they will be terrified of you.

Nothing frightens a person more than the feeling of being the true center of attention.

The feeling of having somone really looking at, observing, them.

No, they would prefer someone who has their own life. Somone who makes the perfunctory gesture of love. Some flowers here, a compliment there; but real, true attention–no one wants that.

To those who are true lovers this is a painful reality we encounter with each new love. We must re-learn restraint. To control our desire to shower another with affection and attention. For as surely as we do, as surely they will turn away from us.

No one wants love–really."
358 · Mar 2016
PK Wakefield Mar 2016
who becomes our bodies
after our flesh splits ways
with life and makes with
root worm and sun glass
the several blades of grass ?

(i'm making and again wonder
evenly obscene
in the sunlight over my arms
brushed with noon beams
and shadows tightly beneath
my feet;

i think,
and splay over the mind
of children's voices
hurryingly hunched
and bruising the silence
slightly with slim slivers
of giggling–

(there's a boat waiting for me)(

i have to go))(

goodbye  )   )    )
358 · Apr 2013
PK Wakefield Apr 2013
here in my little box(room)
my head is a boy
on a girl's hips
a bit

down a bit)by bit
down into fast
with only
a bit

357 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
sometimes i want to make love

sometimes i want to ****
357 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
little pools completely of ink
your shoulders are laughing
trembles of over my desk
eating the grain your
miraculously pale splinter
divided divides
body from mind

                        to add sin the former
          removing the latter

i climb your mostly fragile
completely of sweat
arching spine's cute minute
valley cut softly from skin
and imbued most ardently
by hands insatiably to eat
the webbed writhing of neatly
bunching muscles
356 · Aug 2012
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
oh don't dream

lift my mouth to kiss
every various coiled fantasy
in you sleeping

i have or will you

whisper a single immortal thought of nothing

fair skinned with a slight corona to each iris

drooping clothed in slumber

and i will( if you should let me)bring
more nice than dreams
into your head
each night, but oh don't dream
356 · Mar 2013
PK Wakefield Mar 2013
"You'll never be as pretty as me." She said.
355 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
i like to mostly play with words. or else to play with me they. or not at all. or sometimes. or yes,,,.
'  ,
    '   ,    

         ,                                        .

              ,.,                            ,.,


355 · May 2011
PK Wakefield May 2011
I find my pen in whate'er words encompass I
when i lay it to the page. stark and stretching
'neath my pen, writhing 'neath my pen
The words i find my pen
to encompass it: The page
beneath my pen
354 · Dec 2011
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
.                                               u




                                                                 my car

354 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
will you eat me magic?

will you get inside me
hot and press against
my heart your heart?

and will you, magic,
dearly touch and
burn me singeing
with your velvet
lips, magic, my skin?

magic, i, would kiss thee
each portion
each parcel of thy
body i would imbue
with the unstern soft
rub of my mouth magic

i would give you all
the perfect mess
of my soul
and i would
sing a forest for thee

i would say a season
(like Spring) i would
say a small warm day
next to the vibrant
quiver of a lake i
would take you in
my heart i would
carry you in every
scarlet pulse of it






354 · Jun 2014
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
there is a man waiting a man waiting in short arms small
round, round round cheeks gaunt cheeks in fat eyes with
a hard nose a smart mouth a quick unspeaking mouth
a tense hurtles fist of lips and teeth not moving doesn't
say a word and he is waiting in his short arms fat eyes
and quiet mouth at the quiet mouth of every little dark
half empty half full glass of night and day at the end of
the night when you pull your lids tight and he is waiting
with his sharp hands his ludicrous expected hands of
your waiting your whole life for them when your walking
down down down in the little quiet dark of a half empty
street he's waiting at the end his lips pulled back over
the tight loosest grin of fleshless fat teeth tickling teeth
at the back of your neck at the back of your neck tingling
faster and faster at the same exact pace of your whole life
353 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012

                                                            how like
                                                              does the
                                                                 of your
                                                                      and steeply
                                                                       leaning 'gainst
                                                                        your stomach
                                                                         they're some
                                                                          violently perched
                                                                             of your
                                                                               like razors
                                                                                 and pretty
353 · Oct 2013
PK Wakefield Oct 2013
who are you
to peer beyond each thing newly
truly to
beyond peer things newing? (i mere things knewly

when yoully
were but twoly


Beyond peer things

, wholy?
352 · Dec 2011
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
some monsters are me





                                                        some monsters
                                                                                           in my muscles
                                                those greased
                                                unpleasing spit



                   those monsters are meat



                                                                                                               those beasts
                                                                                                               are heavy ****
                                                                                                                                              and R me
352 · Mar 2015
PK Wakefield Mar 2015
To know life is to understand that we, each of us, is a lover, selfless, kind, demure–but also that we are, simultaneously, haters, selfish, cruel, avaricious; and that in that very contradiction, is life.
352 · Sep 2011
PK Wakefield Sep 2011




                        ceaseless folding waters

                        toil with the wind

                        for nearly i dream upon

                        them sweetly

                        they like sort of you

                        and unlike you

                        they like your body

                        swallow my body

                        into them
351 · May 2012
i don't like you
PK Wakefield May 2012
i don't like you
no i
        like you

only when you R
with me

                   bones (probably)

                   and hips


                   with my hips
351 · Oct 2014
PK Wakefield Oct 2014
all love
the crisply murdered toto
of uncouth faces

    (FALL)   i want to sing

inside you once again

each crimson bending
of vein

the accidental flower
of my hips

some death living
more hotly lathered

in young stupid
lovely dumb lips,

(noth shaping)

unelected silence
that sings to me:

i might feel O'
your primrose hands,

whose palate
,in plushy sward,
cannot house

or unhouse

               the lord,.




351 · Nov 2015
PK Wakefield Nov 2015
"enjoy what you can," says some curly headed mouth
open over the hard shaft of her camera
a thousand times a day


                                         (and never stops *******.)
351 · Dec 2014
PK Wakefield Dec 2014
Do is everything because becoming by the hands of our repeated selves
(or so i'm told by Nietzsche is a really ******* ******* that can't
Kant a **** thing about a thing-in-itself give one flying **** too
many after hours drinking way low into the bottom of some end
i–means–met by the dark absorbing linger of neon around sign
talk talk talking about how Nietzscher'd teach yer about a thing
made of its own ******* will "you **** me or what)"?
351 · May 2014
PK Wakefield May 2014
how dose you think a day begins? its
little teeth
smally thin
(as grass between)
the throats of men?

does you think it green as blades of thinness wide
,sprouted mutely?

does you go out to fields and collect it?
in your hands do it shake and quivers?
(does you bring it up to your mouth,
and does you kiss it?
entering the thick copseness of your pallet?)

who many days you been in hurt verdant roughness of coarse forests?
(you been amongst em sleeping the hot hair is full of drowsy longness
and your muscles slackly follow into deeep chambers of distilled nuthing?

you been out back? by the glade brush and the doe mouths
are white with steep petals of lingering health?

"take itup your mouth," goes the drawn trees, drawing even deeplyer
into the quant tussle of wakeless hours where a twitch don't and not
even a cat.

)the forest goes and does you ever think how those thighs
combed with coarse wreaking of bleeding youth
tasted like copper tastes hot at your tongue climbing your whole mouth
into its neat dumbness?

(the Summers there are millions of Summers left and does you think

a    day

351 · Mar 2015
PK Wakefield Mar 2015
little blue pale who
hurt knees(              )inside
slightly of
purple feels alone
sitting slightly

mouth doing
the totally brutal
girl thing:  

                      your estuary

in which sleeps titanic dreams
of glaring night
****** summer
and unkempt

shines so easily
with heavy beauty

and tinily utters
each new careful star of eve :                          (your hair is a deep mystery;
                                                        ­                       like the sea–
                                                            ­                   shook,
                                                          ­                     folding
                                                         ­                    )(endlessly
                                                     ­                           into folded
                                                          ­                      coils o' gold stuff made         )


                                       ,"I like your nose ring."
351 · Oct 2015
PK Wakefield Oct 2015
in coldest cool,
of chip alive with face   ,ice wears
a short


blue skirt nudely
implying lips

of chaste laughter
crisp with hurtling
twinge of Spring

dead between
two pillars of
nice femurs

stiff with
stuff of newly
braiding autumn air
351 · Aug 2012
PK Wakefield Aug 2012
come into my hands
they are for you

more unclosed

petals bulbs fingers palms

they are for laughing

the scent of the ocean

the feel of your shoulders

the quiet of midnight

sleep in them your fine
ribs, the night was magic

and you said, "I felt safe in your arms. Thanks for that."
350 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
her sitting through such drunk din poked quietly from between the pages of a book (a little in hand which)"what's it about?"not shyly"post-war France."
350 · Jan 2015
PK Wakefield Jan 2015
"We'll start with choking and work our way up to slapping."
348 · Sep 2013
PK Wakefield Sep 2013
let's be pretty
(your eyes)i'll

your throat(and

           about it?

with the nuzzling
of my love fist, baby?ican

make you pretty

                                 ,baby?and i

can kiss you,


want it

348 · Mar 2014
PK Wakefield Mar 2014
enter me thy hands of cool etherizing
that i might


(a flock of intense doves)
become my skin
some curving ofs

a flower left me
the rich improbable hands of the wind
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