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469 · Oct 2013
PK Wakefield Oct 2013
I shall live;
not the world
or my body,
but I

beyond dying
will leap freshness
and taste deeply the health of everything
469 · May 2013
PK Wakefield May 2013
in all of me there is you dying
and in you dying there is me

dying though less perfectly more

frailing ugly than.                                                          (I

like all are who
each less day
than more
darkness becoming.                                                                     Up

do you and think do you
me a bit of nothing want
to briefly more in kissing
have my body as your own?                                                                Shoulders have

in me where keep your lips
your heart and fingers too?                                                                        Prevailed

perhaps or instead
the wetness of your dew?                                                                      Lips

i think i think
i think i want that too.                                                                    Ecstatically

so please the dying more
of perfectly you                                                                         Ineloquent

the less of me to frail so ugly
a tender sprig of blue                                                           To

of common sky to enter
the dying perfect you                                                                          Eat)
468 · Aug 2013
PK Wakefield Aug 2013
Luv all
love all
all things
all things neatly
all things neatly ugly;Love

all you are

you are ugly and





pretty nice
between your thighs
wettimes someand

easy nothing sublime                           ) you '  re

the winking
of a lash'd eye
wearing a girl
in boots.her
neck stands beneath
and her body does
a young hurting
of beautiful pain

which i like like i like
the way she
hands and her
mouth uses
her fingers
and her tongue(feelso good)

and love's her
in the morning when
i wander from nothing
and out a dream i stumble
naked into her lips a kiss      (        i

)the world
and fiercely in limpid orange
limps through 'er
into the sky
and darkness

a bit,

468 · May 2011
PK Wakefield May 2011
with gentle flakes of summer's snow
a drowsy path does pinkly grow
A drowsy path i think i know
through dale and copse it lightly flows
littered slightly from stems and boughs
with the downy flakes of summer's snow

from off its blade i hear a crow
whose throat is telling through the boughs
and twilight's swelling deeply grows
and over mountain tops it flows
To fill the path with fading glow
this drowsy path i think i know
467 · Apr 2011
PK Wakefield Apr 2011
today i listen farther to music almost nearer
at the sickled median
of fluff and ice
467 · Jan 2014
PK Wakefield Jan 2014
o to breathe
how it is i love you:
your little quiet which
do not your lips betray
the slightest music.

o and quiet
how it is i love you:
the mute pressing of your body;
without words which
for saying nothing

is louder than all the world to speak.
467 · Mar 2012
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
when and used to sleep i'd dream
nary none now though i don't with
serious fantastical clouds of junipers
fast through summer like colours
through wind rush to meet the girls
in little bits of nothing next to a lake


throttled by a light breeze hair(brunettes
and blonds both)prattle and mingling
with it i when i used to dream cooly
of arms drunk with sun and pressed
with fashionable cotton and sugar(and sweat)
and little shining drops either on their
shoulders and napes and the backs of
their knees and when i used to dream
such things i didn't even because it
wasn't dreaming it was living
467 · May 2012
PK Wakefield May 2012
a miracle is the smoothest purr
of night's frail wrists
producing hands
pronouncing digits
adeptly who flutter
with pale and sharp
              coiled in
warm limpsey
          that shakes the boughs
          of a long tree
          and titanic
466 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
in your bright house is whiteness
in your pert immaculate body
        stately ivory wings

who tread the air to heaven
(upon whose breath
trembles the serious
anger of your blonde
hair)with which is days drunken
and marvelous with thy
prim bulbous laughter
466 · May 2012
PK Wakefield May 2012
amiably staggers
with neon a street
creased with
and the common
blood of youth
whose vague
aptitude for
lust is always
466 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
the most common drive of human expression is arrogance
464 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
when into deepest rushing
a nightingale would sing
temporary blundering
into softest frailing
464 · Jun 2012
see it's like nothing
PK Wakefield Jun 2012
see it's like nothing how unfrail the wrist
**** pale with a couple of tan lines where
a used to bracelet
                                  gold probably

flickers a hand
in out of an open window

                             i beneath

pass the spontaneous words of a mother
said by his father
and the whole vague riot of boyness
incised in bones
                                that wear eyes

                                       that look up
            and wonder
what kind of girl is on the other
end of a flickering hand
on a pale wrist
464 · May 2010
i see
PK Wakefield May 2010
i see i
seeing i
seeing me
my sight sees my me
being me sighting in on i


463 · Nov 2012
PK Wakefield Nov 2012
)it all hangs in a rough instant

     between your mother's hips

        a nice rectangle of pine

             and a long night

463 · Jul 2016
PK Wakefield Jul 2016
this rough sometimes of a star
within the grit of wind
moves all scepters to still

the stirring of their grip to seize

and make loose their hands.

(that they might hold
the cupping of that final flint

where from which a spark shall new
and in colors bright, a morning do.)

giving up of cent;
and bills no more their fists to clench.

(my dear there is world within this kiss;
this breath and dew.

i live; shall feel;
have of body been and went
into fields alive with colors bent.)

make this thy cheek to speak:
this single promise of the earth to break

beneath the tread of stars,
where grass and flower coo–

and with the rain
a tiny song of evening make,
       ­                                           ,
                    ­                              ,
                                 ­                 ,
                                              ­    ,
       ­                                           .
463 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
it breaks
(just so
like a skinned knee
gently lapping
laden BreaTHS                                                 ,                                                  )
463 · May 2010
like broken hearts
PK Wakefield May 2010
like broken hearts

aching saw dust

there is no glue
462 · Dec 2011
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
newly first pressing flesh
your firmly enamor
(thighs and cheeks)
you dangerous and
clean beveled dainty
         you're the very
eatage o' devils and
462 · Apr 2010
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
be more in your lacking
than in your pro


for all blooms

wither thus
462 · Mar 2013
PK Wakefield Mar 2013
that first which out of nothing comes
warmly steep and comely dripping
in easily breaking and confused hands
(but though which are still are aching
needed to have on lipskinand) LOVE


                                                               ­                    is dear I

                                                             ­                           Have some i

                                                              ­                i have some

                                                         ­                                 dear of my

                                                          ­                    love in hands

                                                       ­                                       though which are

                                                          ­                   breaking easily

                                                     ­                                                   still needed

                                                     ­                                and aching

                                                    ­                                                           dear

                                                       ­                               too of mine

                                                      ­                                                  "please"

 ­                                                                 ­                     dear


                                           ­                                                             have­some
461 · Aug 2011
PK Wakefield Aug 2011
dreaming you, have you been sleeping when you've been dreaming?
in nooks quietly smeared cooly draped in shadows mostly
from hidden the arduous sun you lovely dreaming you
(crawling from your softness breathing does
small lunges of your chest
and your risenfalling *******)
i just took a shower and your open laying frame lays in coiling sinuous ruffles
and i trundling under the sheets and about your smallness close and we, just
461 · Nov 2013
PK Wakefield Nov 2013
i like the see feel needs
the hands and
the **** maybe.

i like the sun you hot river a.

i like the by your bank cheeks,
tween the fists of Spring an' Summmer.

i like the to hold your mouth
closely tight
with my hands
and in your hair playsome
grasping an' pull.

i like the splitting of your flower to bleed.

and i like how when stillness completely is your body.

i like(and i like you)and i, like you, am

460 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
she,s a livid verB
of pure distilled
filthy l!ghtn!ng    and
                                               she makes me wanna

she makes me wanna

                   sh       e            m

                      want to...
                                  (   !
460 · Jun 2010
if so ever
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
if so ever is turned
the porcelain ardor
of your smile to
anothers. so shall i
know that if but
only a flicker you    were:

                my own

                                  my only


459 · Sep 2011
when you come
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
when you come:

rushing through flesh
breath sharply and
,mouth usually
arrives to an IMMENSE electric
contracting spinal erectors        (and i,m down
                                                        ,coddling sternly
                                                        ,your wetly savage
                                                         by tongue mostly
                                                         creeping fastly
                                                         in your lips nestled
                                                         jolting delicate pearl
                                                                 n       d
                                                         begin, from 'neath U  ,
                                                         your ecstatic writhing thing
459 · Nov 2011
PK Wakefield Nov 2011

                                lurid skeehc era uoy
                                and you are gnillaf
                                of boughs bent
                                (in wind writhing)

you are lovely
little dead things
         littler perfect cluttered
                   dead things

                                                 suoroloc  R U
                              gnittor esool fo bits ni

you amble the earth
        calmly exploding
                     (and you crunch
                              so distinctly
                                   under my patient tread
                                               ing soles)

i mark them
and i proceed
living and dying
(like you colours)
die like living
i live like dying
459 · Oct 2011
PK Wakefield Oct 2011

                                      u rising fallen set
                                          on the crust of
                                          cherry dirt
                                          and charge
                                          over mountains
                                          some splinters
                                          of your failing
                                                                       each finer than
                                                                    ,  duller  ,      last
                                                                       arrives a fuller
                                                                       needle in through
                                                                       cool glass(mywindo)w
                                                                       and finals on toes
                                                                                                                     just sticking into your grave
459 · Feb 2011
PK Wakefield Feb 2011
holland was a pretty colour
wriggling in my veins
her languid golden
worms, freshly
459 · Sep 2011
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
like behind mountains
summer slowly Falls
one colour of its face
runs with original
gorgeous irrelevant
and too becomes
cooler slowly ( each new whim of cheeks brinded
                           crisply utters leaves about the rust
                           failing light which gathers 'bout
                           the nape of columns against the
                           moon they grumble with the fresh
                           dithering stammers of Autumn, "you
                           little death i think you look so much
                           better in your cadaver" to which i
                           climb the air to stars a filigree of
                           nubile clinging darkness
459 · Dec 2011
PK Wakefield Dec 2011
some indefinite shape
some formless form
some quintessential essence
always urging
always yearning
always procreating
                                                                 some always
458 · Jan 2011
PK Wakefield Jan 2011
i love also
some golden light
pierceth and burning
the earth
who lays
in tremendous sighs o
                   f                                      sT.
458 · Mar 2011
PK Wakefield Mar 2011
it was so unbright yesternight in the closed nook of a pale painted swinging
swung tight, tightly swinging, quickly singing, breath of fast hair
from the timid article of light uncorking from thy precious bowl:
your remarkably hips. i quipped a sonnet on the marble jelly of your
cresting gluttonous *******; with my hands between the stocky virulent
oaks of your frail gently thighs. and your eyes were scorching, and the
breadth of hours tumbled open and wee
458 · Dec 2010
PK Wakefield Dec 2010
came thee by thee came
a posthumous day
(the fold most grand and eloquent
the lancing fragrance)
i,m uncareful lucid cadaver
of sensible powder    
crimped finely
so in the clarity of feverish dawn i drew and bent the notch
a shady dappled riot
       where i wait for some madly gabbing burst
of wet unkempt

                                         g .
457 · Apr 2012
never originally I
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
never originally I
borrow myself
from minds


notfriends even
I get me

                               not me

                               but from what they




456 · Sep 2010
PK Wakefield Sep 2010
nigh the eve is drawing clumsy blue fingers on the tired hills
                 and           the

sun frails as the large serious night propels suddenly
slowly over the horizion her hair
drowning the ember of light in

ardent inky                                                       blood
456 · Nov 2013
PK Wakefield Nov 2013
opening of
fist is



                             cloaked in flowers
                             and reeling
                             with tough ***** tinder
                             to splay as girl lips


                               r       l
                                  e          ea       s       e
455 · Apr 2012
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
dawn immortal dying invulnerabley fragile dawn
that comes an immense fragrant bloom foisted
spontaneously mountains briefly with flowers over
a slow lake glassed in certain unmoving tranquil
455 · Aug 2015
PK Wakefield Aug 2015
this green dream,
of which i think too much,
marked of dint and lurid scar
whose cloven cheek
is comely seamed:

bares the hurt of boyish touch
where felt too full the words they speak,
now lies in frost–winter ajar.

but if could i
return to shoots
the forest where in snow is kept

your ice'n heart, my heat accept,
i'twould not despair to die:



"pity is praised as the virtue of prostitutes."
454 · Jan 2015
PK Wakefield Jan 2015
the not body of Spring feels like
girlhood stroked fur purring
wet between April and May
slicked rain of coming flowers:

                   Not easy
                   Not hard
                   nor needing

for kneadfuly clutch of loosed steam
who makes tearfully joy by within
forests loops of the curling stuff
her own not body

by warmth
by wet
decay of young
foals white petals parting showers of chaste rain and the


emulsion of pushing through
the supple cloud of morning:

454 · Apr 2015
PK Wakefield Apr 2015
inside this face the body soft
the whiteness almost of
rose crismon
nearly drunk
and swinging

           (i can see stars)

two lewd random lips
part on kiss of taste like,
"do I like an ashtray?"


(rushing like steep twinkling of sleeping light–

how many more nights

i wonder )

you are like ( how can i say  )

a sliver of warmth made skin
of blood and bone between
**** shoulders of night.

i do not
know too much
or how shall i say

you are beyond words to speak

of a more nicely arcuate
a more darling

i think
(will not)
more or less of this
moment than
of your cheeks
apart against
mine in a stupid old
park i'm too drunk to
make your
kiss impossible to

my face by little flecks of
embrace by
warm wetness.

and steeply wonder on the rush of
a nimbly
stumbling darkness
rife with
too many stumbles of
rushing lightness–

i want to love you that–

i am dying this earth the stars and every

breath between;

we shall make of this
not anything particular
a shining instant
of touch

(to touch within )

some lewd of unimportant

453 · Sep 2012
PK Wakefield Sep 2012
breath: there is nothing like you
a flower, the river next to it, a
strain of summer and


                                                    ­                                     there


                                                                ­                                                                 ­      nothing
453 · Oct 2014
PK Wakefield Oct 2014
that immured
betwixt chaste
cleats of girly leg

the hard ardor
of boyly prism
to wantonly beg

it by pale scythe
of membranous ***** reap

the clean growing
of all tall cane
where reason keep

the unsweet substance
of cool and pensive mind

(but by blood and hot lather
in stupid gouts of
bind ).      .              .                      .                           .                                            .
453 · Nov 2010
PK Wakefield Nov 2010
te, ....       your waiting hands are so

     like shins gently bruised

         a pressure of lovely bedded ladies

what else? he's a war of nice arrogance. a boy like
and he's me. we, we're we,re i; i'm he and we sweat with a demon
in the spiraling helix of our
how can i **** this kind ******?my desire for some other fruit.

          it's esoteric
452 · Apr 2010
when me
PK Wakefield Apr 2010
when me
and this

heart will
452 · Oct 2014
PK Wakefield Oct 2014
little enough world how up Up UP
in your frail face is a pair of slick
rinds coloured in the drowsy dream
of being,

a forest that perhaps
is filled with sunset being sheathed
in rain

its voice that
tinly crawls
on tremendous legs of pale wind

a fine club
is wield by
enormous strength of drunk hands

drunk with vine and pistil
(poppy and thistle)

that ***** ***** *****
the alabaster hull of cloud

(a single star emits
and dances upon fall
all the deadness who
turn their cheecks up

         –even their cheecks up–

at this death more,


452 · Sep 2011
PK Wakefield Sep 2011
school, you're gettn so young
so gettn so soft and firmly gettn
(with legs all in tightness clothing
them and skirts shortly) so i'll get
my hand down your stomach
into your fluff and
451 · Mar 2013
PK Wakefield Mar 2013

                                ­                                          *** UGLY

               your cheeks are rosy splotched itchy with a bit of seeming lovely "please put
               your fingers inside me"

                                                          ivy and flat

                                                         green long  
                                                         snare shining
                                                         and thickly lush

               (you "ooh" is "baby, please" my fingers are "ah" while your tongue is "don't stop)"

                and, baby, you smile like you want me to hurt you like you want me to hurt you

               like hurting is pretty bleed a little, baby, and **** sticky with your thighs and sweety

               you look so nice when i'm wearing you between the sound of a train outside my

               bed shakes you're sleeping and i lean over you and kiss your shoulder              .
451 · Feb 2012
PK Wakefield Feb 2012
cut that face pretty
aisles glossy thick
with starkest sharper
lighting catching on
the edges of heaped
organized rows and
and rows of
cans(quickly splinters
a fairy pale smile)just
pink and little and
painful pretty smile
by the frozen goods
(i think i'll say

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