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Aug 2014 · 143
PK Wakefield Aug 2014

                                                           it's so

(i can't)dark



i can't

                                                  see do you

see, where

dark please

(where I am)

will you

Aug 2014 · 141
PK Wakefield Aug 2014

         "I don't like you very much."

Aug 2014 · 342
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
wet softness
that by does




lean into of


suppose a wen.

that of hurried ugly millions lurch
on lurching bodies of tired always to be,
courses with new old obscureness of
brusque hideous hope. that hope
of to be not always tired of being–

to find some seed, some
new rind of dazzzling health
in unliving mounds of hurt asphalt.
Aug 2014 · 269
PK Wakefield Aug 2014

           "Seems a little ***** to me."

Aug 2014 · 170
PK Wakefield Aug 2014

                   "Well that's ridiculous.

                     People hate honesty–they prefer to be lied to."

Aug 2014 · 136
PK Wakefield Aug 2014


              "You taste really good."

Aug 2014 · 246
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
how  of,

       U wen

've               been

wine amongst such dower trees as Spring:

a perched upon
a string of suddenly
cool night has


with weft of surging flower
a stumbling drunkness of **** infinite self

(a parting of easy fragrance   )                  soft

at the hinges

and wet between

the peels of rough human knees:

                                                           (some hand; some soft
                                                             At play

                                                             at hurtfully
                                                             entering eager pain    .)


                                                                 the sound of love.
Aug 2014 · 203
PK Wakefield Aug 2014

                                           "Do you like to eat *****?"

Aug 2014 · 250
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
das licht ist

.  .   .   .    .     .       . kinda


like . like

nacht ist.

like kinda
(can-can; you do the?)

Aug 2014 · 286
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
how who


new what


of uncouth
****** glass:

                           BUILDINGS!                                                     (awholecity

suddenly of unerupting stillness
leaps by
slick courage of burning liquor
a slightly old

               )a slightly stupid(

boyness of incorrigible grinning
arms of hands by body youth sick

a girlnesss about

entwining into steep darkness of hard love:

      some mouth open.

      some mouth eager.
Aug 2014 · 329
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
how do you mouth so
between my legs
i cannot believe it
the way like
stars explode when
completely of unfalse self
you give me you


rough little
with about fuzzz
of recently shaved hurting
,to fully press with pressing part
,of all life filled
with girls and girls
full of boys full of
mouths of girls
about wrung ringing
of pert pretty ****.

(i cannot believe
and love is this perhaps
not love not
nice or
completely of
soft kneading
to play)                                     but i love

and how can say

the exquisite throat mouth
you've got way down in your
gulp of tight  hair between
my fingers your self that
it is so nice

To give                                                      .
Aug 2014 · 334
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
go white all the treetops.

in wet winter where,
there are there
such things in unskin bare.

(little tips tops tree'd little
hard in pink with a just slit
of a bit right under
the electric stroke furring
riot of terse tightness . )

how about in two tongues of wide
mouths of gagging on a four armed
two backed beast of short ripe and
long withered gushing at the heaves
of glitter and sweat summer?

(I have wanted to be a whole forest of roots so deep in you I can feel your soil in each rich wreathe of slightly sublime sometimes).

how about we go down to the water
i'll write you some ******* poem
about ******* poems i wrote about
******* you next to the water not
wetter than you
Aug 2014 · 237
PK Wakefield Aug 2014
Nobody cares.
Jul 2014 · 206
PK Wakefield Jul 2014

                                ­         "      Let's be honest:

                                                 you're real cute,

                              but I'd probably just want to *******

                                                            ­  .  "

Jul 2014 · 535
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
the you the




(which intensely does)                  Curve

upon curving
the twist of
some adamantine
hips collapsed
in one fatal crushing
of hushed nudeness                        Arrive

by mute girlness
of parting self

(where sleeps faultless
legions of boyness to kiss
with the waxing
of their paired moon
some wet keenness of bliss)
Jul 2014 · 898
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
a little raw beautiful you are the way.

                                            and ,ti evol I

the mouth that soft(that cruel) of teeth
and lips
is like it. thorn'd

and prim and

ringed in pinkness
of petals parting

on a pistil between.

such smoothness that rushes,
such skinness that prickles exactly
at the right arch
of its rising hips.

to meet with the riding
heartness of my surging taste:

blood and just
that tiny tang
of left behind from.

                                               (can i begin?)'(

and to fold you;
into my hands–as fists–
that unfold–inside you.
Jul 2014 · 417
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
o open me quiet


more completely my
very closed.

that such
,of tightest whiteness,
spreads cooly

parts ethereally

the quirky mystery
of empty rooms
behind nice doors

(where every sleeping is awake
amongst such nothing so big
eats totally the quick figment of
a thought faster

than breath                                   )

.So let's small?
Jul 2014 · 331
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
one beyond perfect
who through
neat newness
of skin is pressed

prying between
pages of same
glued by glueless
hands of everyday

her waist
her hips

                   ­       sthips

ing between new old pages of glued by
       glueless hands(
       of everyday.     )

her face

her              cheeks
Jul 2014 · 198
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
do you i
have some

   of remembering

some remembering

i was when
you were

two cold outside
to walk and
we so
stayed inside you

were very warm


                                             (it was so cold outside)
Jul 2014 · 412
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
at how does gleam the cherry **** of your cylindric pertness–lips–i beco
    me me in two folds of self on each one pressed the drooping brand of y
       our hands stings to cooly touch with the unhinging of cottoned hurt
           ing in when the sun suddenly of gradual imperceptible dying revo
              lves on the apex of youth its own immortal youth; such dreams a
                 s magic become the ethereal toyness of your wrists that fleetly
                    stagger of whiteness with substance wholly girl with two
                       ******* wine for a mouth and darkness for hair even
                          the night is jealous at their fibers and remarks with
                             disturbed violence a shower of stars to mark
                                its brunt, its curling of tight fingers into
                                  fists of foisted heating)
   ­                                         such
                   ­                     brightness
                                 ­      is a circle within
                                      A circle of
                                     tingling bruteness
                                     you have liked me
                                       to be between your
                                         smart ****** of cherry
    ­                                                LIPS
Jul 2014 · 247
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
summer that like into the entering of cold hands open constantly some
crystal breath like dream such as has been dreamt of twisting into cold
figures of unlived bodies

                              : the earth the sun the moon the stars :
Jul 2014 · 248
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
let's go for a walk i miss you how deeply and beautiful  you are  amongst
such  things  as  sagebrush,  old  mountains  and  the  wincing  silence  of
pierced by bird throats quiet it is so  quiet  inside  you i  want  to  put  my
hands in there i want to put my lips eyes and mouth forever to lay  inside
you one blue spectrum of self in no parts the whole thing and always and
forever between the cold heat of summer your body's mind is a tight song
way over the mountains in a coiling weep of  rain  that  like  rain  touches
every frond of the light forest we are inside of whose body is trees of such
dark wood even i cannot say that i know them
Jul 2014 · 209
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
what are to me you do doing
                to me
you youing?

the hard that comes
where soft is key:
(mouths that hurt
on bended knees);

teeth that teeth
through sharp where skin,
pushing self
when clothes are thin.
Jul 2014 · 277
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
i would like to(between your lips)
(my own lips)and
my body–

                 my kissing


the tight rose of
your garden doused
in youth

where                  very


i would like to always house
my fists;

more open more unclosing of
petals, *****

distinctly clothed in the aroma
of your thighs

(–i can imagine my face being only
good only
of wanted flesh
upon my cheeks when
they are with your cheeks ) and please

can i give them
to you my
lips my
Jul 2014 · 197
PK Wakefield Jul 2014

                              "What are you doing tomorrow night?"


                              "Taking pictures of naked girls."

Jul 2014 · 387
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
some girls taste like all girls taste like
every girl, differently, the same;

each smells the least exactly like the last,
smells swelling with a pinch of brine
between hot breaths of a Summer ocean;

and how good the ocean feels running
faster than curved orangeness of pinched
pinking hotness down your chin while it
rustles jook quivers and sighs heaping
one exquisite leap of its spine into each;

(let's say basically i've been a lot myself
on my knees at the edges of beds eating.)
Jul 2014 · 273
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
your way the who the body
swells the
lifts the

of my thoughts
the niggling
wafer of
your thighs

feel better than
my cheeks
can feel the air
(and i can only breath when)
they are untogether together.

feeling–and your back does–how
do you feel
about how
feelingly it

musters razors
in my skin when
your *** also?      (and how can i
                                describe how it
                                feels like joy
                                made some
                                supple real of
                                realness in two
                                halves of a broken
                                perfect?                      )

it defies words.

there is no cheap no word no sentence
made that by does not at describing it

i am myself, and can i say how much
that is a better thing when i am between you? are

And how can describe it?

the way it turns so deeply into creases
of divinest flesh;

half feet
half knees

upon who hurts to pray inside you
my love fist?

it cannot be said nor sung nor anything
but tasted into one swoon of many tongues
upon it–

my mouth has lived whole years not so pleasant as five minutes between your hips.
Jul 2014 · 643
PK Wakefield Jul 2014
At a quarter past eleven AM Charles took the stairs down to the lobby. Spare, yet stridently attired, he moved with the august vigor of a man only a third of his sixty-two years. Smart shoes, brimming smile and shoulders laden in the heavy weave of his sharp overcoat, Charles exchanged a quick wink with the precisely groomed lobby girl.

"Always a pleasure." He quipped.

"Always." She replied.

Drawing a deep breath of the frigid air, Charles paused as he pressed his shining wingtips into the undisturbed palate of that previous night's latest snowfall. Looking around excitedly, admiring the deep shimmer of that brisk morning:

Charles was struck down immediately by a large volume public transport–moving at an unusually high velocity.
Jul 2014 · 188
PK Wakefield Jul 2014

                "I love you."

                "If only it were that simple."

Jun 2014 · 224
PK Wakefield Jun 2014

" your poetry *****.

it's like you're trying not to make sense on purpose."

Jun 2014 · 278
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
some girls are like
the uncoming together
of deep mountains

(there are where

occaissionly it's been

flowers.          ) their hips

that part

at the parting

of boy ribs—

Jun 2014 · 407
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
Summer, it's been how long – uoy neeb, Summer? since
last time
i was inside you,
long low dry
in your intense
dull fragrance
,Summer , has

there been the
tranquil riven
deepening purple
of very supple
twilight,                               Summer?

the hair you are is very shining
between the creased heaving
of your ******* Summer; it
droops a slow slung leaving

of breath

of breathe/breathing.

Summer i can't do you think there are and how many nights inside you
their quick quick hands between the course prickle of wincing darkness
shingled with the tiny digging of pale spades?

(i do not know)

i will live occasionally until there are no more nights inside you
and i, cloaked in the able dirt of dying earth, the moist splinter of my body

quick   quicker

than any night passed inside you since the last time i was

and longer



the low the low low

black blackness

of steep steep steep dark.
Jun 2014 · 368
PK Wakefield Jun 2014

   wut've u beeen?weight, wait

waitin 4 u been(the mouth

(the hair the

    fingers)(inside the

)tuchin the touching
inside you the
way quick quivers
jostle in your wet wet?)

U been waiting for hands(4hands
)on your neck in your mouth

in your mouth's been waiting
4 sum fingers

4 sum lick spit fingers
(your mouth:

sum wut's



4 sum.    Wut?
Jun 2014 · 306
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
felt, have you ever,
a world without fingers
edges of roughness?

it does not feel of anything
expect feeling more deeply
than hands ever have been.

Coming at the backs of your
eyes with peculiar easy intense
banding of unbroken shades
of light, it does not emit
a single colour instead
it fills with brief singular
tingling of being

a texture more wordless
in words uneasy to say
a poem of trite inevitable singing.
Jun 2014 · 241
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
Is, the definitive
not me when
whose hands(?
)are these
in my hands, Spring?(the grass)

and trees occasionally
mirror the always of
my body as dirt;
there won't be
a day when. I or i shall

go amongst the chansons
of lilies the dilute spell of
life mysteriously. a flense

of an ember parted on
on the parting of a blade
of green and waxy earth

gardens will where gods
do not go and grow
more deep than worms

into each body their roots
as hard as soft as
and light might apparently
become a mote

of your wrists will
pass into the lips
of other lovers

a very tiny song.
Jun 2014 · 157
PK Wakefield Jun 2014

                                                  "what can I do?"

                                                   "what ever you want."

Jun 2014 · 436
PK Wakefield Jun 2014



                                     um sum *******

                                                uff ruff ******* so
                                                polished; leashed

     ­                                                      your
                                               spread your *******
                                               let's (wider)
                                               hard i'm

                                               so those
                                               take em off
                                               satin white
                                               little littles
                                               ****(do you like it when

                                                i "yes
                                                ))))        ­       please


­                                                 "hurt me
                                                  into apart teeth .   teeth
                                                  fingers inside

                                                  inside tongue
                                                  tonguing­ little
                                                  rrufff stubble

                                                  neck neck:

Jun 2014 · 417
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
there is a shape you are
the shape of a
cool river
on a hothothot
summer summer

summer summer

(liquid cool;crystal between
the heap of your femurs
there is a tight tight
song of inside           ) i can and can you

the slow and droop
of your crystal body
twinged with the caressed
lance of
awful day     (Let's Night) .

there is beach out there i have been to in the summer with you let's go
Jun 2014 · 366
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
there is a man waiting a man waiting in short arms small
round, round round cheeks gaunt cheeks in fat eyes with
a hard nose a smart mouth a quick unspeaking mouth
a tense hurtles fist of lips and teeth not moving doesn't
say a word and he is waiting in his short arms fat eyes
and quiet mouth at the quiet mouth of every little dark
half empty half full glass of night and day at the end of
the night when you pull your lids tight and he is waiting
with his sharp hands his ludicrous expected hands of
your waiting your whole life for them when your walking
down down down in the little quiet dark of a half empty
street he's waiting at the end his lips pulled back over
the tight loosest grin of fleshless fat teeth tickling teeth
at the back of your neck at the back of your neck tingling
faster and faster at the same exact pace of your whole life
Jun 2014 · 292
PK Wakefield Jun 2014

                                                "Did you **** him?"

Jun 2014 · 219
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
you're so dying–i love how beautifully it,
where your skin is
i love(i wonder
it folds .i wonder
is there room

your dying and folding skin

for me to live;

to lovedie
between such,
breath so?

i wonder)
Jun 2014 · 194
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
kiss has been the turn
the twist
the folding over of roses

over roses

Jun 2014 · 340
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
.  these deep uply
)whom i'm become
              as you'm

i'd like to with       (
achingly clutch
the whim whisper

the sure hum
and crisp vibrance

of white white mouth;

always starrily
always upwardly

           :          body

of snow in June(

whose light pertness be ).

whose own wish nothing ever
so be could:

as white.

as mouth.
Jun 2014 · 443
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
i can remember your mouth across from me i was late it was 11:17 i said i was sorry you said your mouth was across from in a mexican restaurant 2 years later your mouth was in my mouth in Eugene in Eugene it was very hot in the middle of the summer the van was broken down and i loved you so much there wasn't anything to do but climb into each other's mouth the thick heatness of sweating palms and you are sitting across from me in a mexican restaurant your eyes your mouth your hair was short 1 year later i thought you should cut it shorter 1 year later in a hot pocket of some thick freakness your hands mouth eyes spit and got open so wide i climbed into your whole body was so beautiful tasting better and fighting all night than death i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry

(i loved you)
Jun 2014 · 190
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
some hot living between playing
the air
with hair
does some girl beneath
a heap of wondering brains
completely perform a lust thing.
Jun 2014 · 216
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
here are some deep in you ideas of living,
they are the rain sunshine and hands
amongst such grass as neatly distilled breathing

(i have often and have you ever wondered how you are a living so

                  nearly of perfect temporary body

)it constantly does seem the as such

some times occasionally will us of mouths
with drinking crisp waters of hurting Spring

explode fawn like into crimson sweetness
of hard dying somber infinities,

that move with what grace into deep ideas of living;

they do not know how.

                                    (but i do)
Jun 2014 · 259
PK Wakefield Jun 2014
all the body is perhaps.
is some is; is a some

times occasionally girl of breathless apart.
who's a do you think why not in a
bit of sweating skinny.

(Her mouth is-andherhands-sometimes-a God)
of men let's say who cannot
how much they'd like to be between.)

What's more absurd than that? jazz
and it feels like to be: in her lips exploding

the quick lean of a grin through 26 years of loving girls her body who's some in a piece of unapart i'd like to make unun legs smiling and she laughs, "what do you think of that?"
May 2014 · 291
PK Wakefield May 2014
of what new some there is grass there is flesh


swimming through muscles of divine Spring
feel good to be young again
their lurching and unlurching smoothness of

is a grass between the the thighs
where giggles little the all of the world
in two new newness of old always being.

)it's boys and girls and gardens
and the cheapest hot glass of
dark dark dark wine
through your lips
on a cherry
fresh slung
amber of a girl hand
in her girl hands' slowly slinging
of trite *** waisted in some hips gravure



with the irreverent marvel of life
lived insmiply insipidly sipid .      A Dream Like Paris
May 2014 · 365
PK Wakefield May 2014
there is by you occasionally a mouth,
i would like to climb inside(.)it Spring
under it the red pink occlusion: stupid
                                                          ­        youth

hanging by a hangs on a string,
of smart immutable dumb loveless loving

careens and gestures (which of) there is
a thing not like a thing i have ever. (have you?)

                     an ever have you a
                     dumb youth wanted
                     to immutably break

i that might like could you like to to.

if you'd like to too.

i could climb too into you
May 2014 · 260
PK Wakefield May 2014
i loved you so much


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